Be Strengthened in The LORD

Scripture For The Day 

 July 21, 2022

Be Strengthened in The LORD

David and his men had just returned home after a three-day journey.  Upon their return, they discovered that their town had been attacked and their wives and children had been taken captive, including David’s family. They wept aloud at the loss until they had no more strength to weep:

“Then David and the people that were with him lifted up their voice and wept until they had no more power to weep.” 1 Samuel 30:4 Have you ever wept like that? It takes everything out of you. But in their grief, the men began to want to place blame. They chose David. They began discussing stoning him. This was their leader that they trusted and loved and served, willingly. It hurt David so much. He was already upset over his own loss of losing his family, then his men turned on him. He became greatly distressed over it. But he didn’t strike back at the men in anger. He understood why they were upset. He understood their grief. But he did what made him a man after God’s own heart. He went to The Lord for strength to keep on keeping on. He then asked The Lord what he should do and The Lord answered: “Go after them. You will catch them and you will save your families and all that you have lost”.

It was an exhausting task, especially after already being exhausted from the previous journey and from their grieving hearts. But they pursued. It was so exhausting that out of his 600 men, 200 stayed behind because they were too weak for the task ahead and too tired to continue. When David and his men came near to the Amalekites, they found them lying around on the ground eating and drinking, and celebrating over the spoils they had taken. David attacked. They fought from sunrise until the evening of the next day. None escaped except for 400 young men who got away. David and his men got back everything the Amalekites had taken, including their families. Nothing was missing.  The Lord gave them the Victory.

Sometimes our Victories require us to give some blood, sweat, and tears. A Victory doesn’t necessarily mean it gets handed to us on a silver platter. Many times, we have to work for it. But David knew, despite their fatigue, despite the work they had to do, that The Victory belonged to The Lord. We were never told that life was going to be easy peasy. To make it worthwhile, most of the time, we have to work for it. But that makes the Victory even sweeter when we recognize that by the Grace of God, He helped us win the battle. Child of God, get that armor on and fight, don’t expect the Victory to be handed to you on a silver platter. Find your Strength in The LORD, then Fight!!!

“Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His Might. Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil” – Ephesians 6:10-11 


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