Because We Know

 Scripture For The Day 

July 5, 2022

"Because We Know..." 

Back in the day, we not only celebrated our country’s freedom on the fourth of July, but we celebrated my grandparents. It was their wedding anniversary. That day we would gather together like most families to eat and enjoy each other’s company. We often played games. We would always hand crank out some vanilla ice cream. Then that night we kids would pile into the back of grandpa’s pickup and drive to town to see the fireworks with grandma and grandpa. We would lie down in the back of the bed of the pickup on top of a blanket and ooh and aah at all the cool fireworks.  Not once did we think anything bad would happen.

Last night, I went with my daughter and grandsons to watch the fireworks. We got there early and sat up our lawn chairs, while the oldest grandson began to make friends. Before the fireworks began, more and more people showed up. Many were people we knew. Some sat down beside us. We would smile and wave at others we would know.  My grandson ended up sitting with a friend once the fireworks began.   I smiled and enjoyed every minute of it, while the baby grandson bounced around in the lap of his aunt and then ended up asleep in mine.

But let me tell you a secret, though I enjoyed every minute, I anxiously watched my eldest grandson every second he was not right there beside me. Because I know… I watched people around us and was aware that any moment someone could pull out a gun and begin shooting. Because I know…

You might think “Geez, she’s a worrywart”. And maybe, you’re right.  But apparently last night in various cities around our beautiful country, people were injured and killed by shooters and stampeding crowds due to panic. All because they gathered as friends and family to celebrate our country’s freedom. This world is not the same world that I grew up in. Yes, bad things happened. Yes, horrible things happened to me. Yes, bad things have been happening since the beginning of time. But bad things are getting worse. There is no comfort or security or peace in this world. We have to stay on alert. Because we know…

We are living in perilous times just like Paul warned us in 2 Timothy 3:1 “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.” And he goes on to describe how people will be. We can look at this list and nod our heads:  yes, yes, yes. We are seeing this scripture come true right before our eyes.  But… he tells us in verse 14, but continue to follow the teaching of Jesus Christ. Continue to study His Word. The Scriptures are there to strengthen us and give us wisdom. All Scripture is given by the inspiration of God and is profitable. It is useful for teaching us right from wrong. It is useful in convicting our hearts. Using the Scriptures helps those of us who serve The Lord to be prepared for any circumstances. With His Word hidden in our hearts, we will have all we need to do His Work. With Jesus in our hearts, we will have Peace even in this darkening world. Because He is All The Light we will need. We can lie back comfortably on His Word and look up at the sky and recognize The Glorious Works of The Lord and enjoy every minute of it. Despite the evil of the world, we can have Peace and Joy and Victory and Comfort in Jesus.  We can celebrate our Freedom because of Him and no one can take that away. No matter how hard the enemy may try. Because we know…

We know that we know that we know our Redeemer lives. We know Whom we can Trust. We know we are wonderfully made. We know our God is Greater and bigger than anyone or anything. We know that He is working for our good. We know He will finish what He begins. We know He has plans for us. We know in Him we have freedom; we are Victorious!!! We know!!!


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