His Banner Over Me is Love

Scripture For The Day 

 July 15, 2022

"His Banner Over Me is Love" 

Song of Solomon is a book of the Bible that many overlook as a book of marital love. But in reality, even though it covers marital love, it also points to the Love of Jesus throughout the book.  Song of Solomon, chapter 2; verses 1-7 speaks of the believers of Christ and how we are clothed in His Righteousness. Could this be the Bride of Christ? Or individuals? We will know for sure one day. But what most of us know is that we are weak on our own. However; with Him we are strong. The other night in Bible Study we were speaking about Jesus being the Vine and we are the branches. A song I sang as a child and have taught my daughter and grandson through the years immediately came to my heart: “He is the Vine and we are the branches, His banner over me is Love”. Another verse of this song says “He brought me to the banqueting house, His banner over me is Love” and that is what we are going to speak about this morning.

Song of Solomon 2:4 “He brought me to the banqueting house, and His Banner over me is Love” The banqueting house refers to a place where a special wine was given to drink. It was brought out for a feast. The table is well spread. It refers to the Covenant that The LORD has with us. The Covenant of Grace and Favor. The Covenant of everlasting life. This Covenant is full of Blessings, Promises, and Provisions. We are brought into this banqueting house in a Grand and Royal welcome. Can you picture it with me? We are being welcomed in. The trumpets announce our entrance, “Welcome, Child of God, welcome” A Banner is flying High over us. Perhaps, it is the color Red, representing the Blood of Jesus. Either way, this Banner represents The Love of Jesus and is flying majestically over us… “This is my Beloved; this is my Love. This is my Bride”. “Look upon her, I Love Her so very much” The Banner belongs to Jesus and is engraved with His Name and inscribed LOVE. Many people wave flags signifying what country they belong to or what they love. But The LORD is waving HIS flag OVER us; He is signifying that WE belong to HIM. Not the other around. I love that, don’t you? As a Child of God, as the Bride of Christ, we belong to HIM!!!

A banqueting house is a place where they would take the people that were closest to them and it describes abundance. There is no hunger. There is no thirst. We are Protected with His Love. He gives us life and life more abundantly WHEN we choose to live for Him. It’s a Covenant between the two of us. It’s a Promise. It’s a relationship. It’s not about any other junk. It’s just ALL about JESUS!!!

Look up, Child, and see that Banner flying high over you today and Shout with Joy!!!

*He brought me to His banqueting table, His Banner over me is Love.  He brought me to His banqueting table, His Banner over me is Love. He brought me to His banqueting table, His banner over me is love. His banner. Over Me. Is LOVE~~~*



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