Live Victoriously!!!

Scripture For The Day 

 July 6th, 2022

Mount Hermon is the highest mountain in Ancient Israel with snowcapped peaks that rise just over 9,000 feet above the sea. It has three distinct peaks that are covered with snow most of the year. The range is nearly 30 miles in length and about 15 miles wide. In years past, Mount Hermon was used as a place of worship for pagan gods such as Baal and Pan and Hades. Temple sites have been discovered in the caves. The city of Caesarea Philippi sat at the base of Mount Hermon when Jesus walked this earth. It was there that Peter acknowledged that Jesus was Christ, the Son of the living God. Not a dead ‘god’ but the son of a “living God”. Knowing what I know about this place, his statement is more relevant to the occasion than I ever thought.  Many people still worshipped the Roman gods during Jesus’ time on earth. They would offer sacrifices to appease Hades, who was considered the god of death and the underworld. They were so terrified that they decided to personify this evil by placing a gate at the entrance of a cave on this mountain. This gate became known as “The Gates of Hell”

It's interesting to note that just 20 miles south from these “Gates of Hell”, Jesus spoke, “The Gates of Hell will not prevail”. Jesus took His disciples to the city of Caesarea Philippi, knowing full well the strong influence that idolatry had over the people. This place had a bad reputation. But Jesus lets them know in no uncertain terms that nothing and no one, false gods, satan, a fake gate of hell, or even the real gates of hell will ever prevail over Him. He IS The Rock. He IS our foundation. Evil will not prevail. Jesus Proclaimed Victory over legalism and idolatry. He Proclaimed Victory over death and destruction. He Proclaimed Victory over spiritual oppression. He Proclaimed Victory over the enemy. And As a Child of God, we need to recognize that Victory every single day. Because despite what the enemy wants us to think,we have been set Free.

We should be sharing that Victory in Jesus with everyone, no matter where we are at.  Do you feel victorious today? Or are you letting the frustrations of life and people drag you down? We need to be training. We need to be learning. We need to remember that we are soldiers and that we need to be on the offense. Ever on the alert to Stand and Fight. Or the enemy is going to keep on knocking us down. Others can’t do it for us. The church can't do it for us. The preachers can't do it for us. It’s up to us. 

We are Blessed. Live Victoriously! Be Revived!!!

“And I say unto thee, that thou art Peter, and upon this Rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. “– Matthew 16:18 


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