Peacemakers, Not Troublemakers

Scripture For The Day  

July 13, 2022

Peacemakers, Not Troublemakers 

The LORD calls us to be peacemakers. But can we be peacemakers if we harbor arrogance and pride in our hearts? Not likely. It takes a love for The LORD and it takes humility. Not a common characteristic in this day and age.

1 Samuel 24 tells us of a time when David had the opportunity to rid himself of Saul. David and his men were hiding in the desert of En Gedi. Word got back to Saul where David was at, so he took three thousand able young men, not old, not unable, but ready to fight young men. They went to find and annihilate David and his men. While there, they came upon a cave. Saul had to go ‘cover his feet’, which means he had to pee. David and his men were hiding far back in the cave. David’s men were excited. They believed that The LORD had handed Saul right over to David. David crept up unnoticed by Saul and cut off a corner of Saul’s robe. He didn’t touch him, just his robe. Saul had no clue. But afterward, David felt guilty, just for having cut off the corner of Saul’s robe. You see, he took the anointing of God seriously. He was ashamed of himself for doing it. He rebuked himself and his men and said they were not to harm Saul, God’s anointed king of Israel.

Instead, he went out of the cave and called out to Saul, “My lord the king!” David lay completely facedown on the ground in front of Saul and asked him ‘Why do you listen to others and believe that I am out to harm you? I could have killed you right this moment in the cave. Instead, I cut off a piece of your robe. Look. I have not wronged you, but you continue to hunt me down to kill me. May The LORD judge between you and me. And may the LORD avenge the wrongs you have done to me, but MY hand will not touch you.”

God kept Saul from killing David that day and even though Saul was ashamed at that moment, he went back to his evil ways out to kill David later on.  David was given an opportunity to avenge himself. No one would have thought anything about it. But David believed that he must respect God’s anointed. He was ashamed that he even felt vengeful. But this is why David had a heart that pleased The LORD. He Loved The LORD so very much and was ashamed when he sinned. He desired to serve Him in every aspect of His life. He made mistakes. He sinned. But God looks at the heart and forgave David.  

If you are not being convicted of your sin, then you are not a Child of God. I’m sorry. It hurts me to say it. But that is His Word, not mine. And you have no idea how much it concerns me that people are just going through the motions and not actually, sincerely, having Jesus in their hearts. There are times when the worry of it gets me so down. We are getting distracted by the world and by junk. But, Child of God,  we are called to be peacemakers, not troublemakers, peacemakers, in every aspect of our lives. I have had such urgency in my heart lately. I’m tired of the fluff and junk. We need to shout The Name of Jesus. We need to bring Peace to this troubled world as much as possible. Do the best you can...

“Do the best you can to live in peace with everyone. Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.” – Romans 12:18-20   


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