The LORD Looks at the Heart of the Matter

Scripture For The Day 

July 14, 2022

"The LORD Looks At The Heart of the Matter" 

Last night, before going to sleep I continued reading in my Bible Study, the scriptures of 1 Samuel. I was reminded once again how David, with all his imperfections, loved The Lord with ALL his heart. He messed up but The LORD looks at the heart of the matter. He could be quick-tempered at times. He was lustful. He was a mess. But He Loved The LORD. 1 Samuel 25 - David and his men were out protecting a wealthy landowner’s property but when they asked for food, which was the custom, the arrogant landowner refused with an insult to go along with it: “Who is this, David??? Maybe he is just a slave that ran away from his master. I have supplies but I won’t give them to the likes of you!” David’s response was quick and full of anger “Put on your swords, men. Let’s go” About 400 men went with David while 200 of them stayed with the supplies. But Abigail, the sweet wife of Nabal went to calm David down. She was a peacemaker. She stopped David from sinning against The LORD in his quick temper. She stopped him with kindness and not condemnation.  She took food and met up with David and fell down at his feet pleading for mercy. David accepted her gifts and asked for forgiveness for his quick temper. There’s more to the story but we will stop there. 

But The LORD looks at the heart of the matter.

Before going to sleep, I was still struggling with feeling downhearted.  I began reading in a book that I try to read a few chapters in each night. It’s called “I’m Not Wonder Woman but God Made Me Wonderful!” by Sheila Walsh. Last night the words just jumped out of the page at me:

“God wants our hearts. He doesn’t want our activity alone, our busyness, our long list of things we have done for Him; He wants us. I am still amazed by this, but I hold it to be the dearest truth of my life that the God of the universe wants my heart. No matter what our culture, or at times the Church, tells us about what really matters, this truth remains: God Loves us, and it is His driving passion to be loved by us. You were made for nothing less May the truth of these pearls wrap around your heart. You are a wonderful woman!”….

 And I will add a wonderful man for the man that might be reading this today.

With so much condemnation in this world and in our surroundings, this encourages my heart. God Looks at the heart. That has been resounding over and over again across my heart over the past few weeks. I feel like The LORD has been trying to pound it into me. He looks at the heart of the matter. He knows The truth and I’m so Thankful that The LORD looks at the heart of the matter and sees me, the real me, and He sees you too, Child of God, and guess what? 

You are LOVED, You are Precious, You are Chosen, You are Forgiven, You are Redeemed, You are the head and not the tail. You are Blessed coming and going. You are Blessed for a purpose and that purpose is to bless others. You’ve been forgiven much and so forgive others. Encourage each other, not condemn. Remind your heart that you are Victorious with Jesus Christ. And Ask The LORD how you can be a Blessing to others today.  and let The LORD be pleased with what He sees in your heart, for The LORD looks at the heart of the matter! 

Dear Lord, I pray You are pleased with what you see in our hearts today. Help us, Dear LORD, to truly be a Blessing to others in this ever-increasing chaotic and hateful world. Remind our hearts that no matter what others may think that You will always see our hearts and look upon The Heart of the Matter! and remind us that what You think is All that matters. 

 Amen and Amen! 



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