Turning The World Upside Down

 Scripture For The Day 

July 28th, 2022 

Turning the World Upside Down 

Acts 17 

Have you ever been accused of turning the world upside down? Preaching the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ can turn people's world upside down. Grace is a radical message. There is always a reaction. Sometimes that reaction is negative. Sometimes that message is rejected. But when someone truly accepts Jesus Christ, what a world changer that is. 

Paul and the other disciples were labeled more than troublemakers. They were labeled rebels. Wherever they went trouble ensued. According to Roman history when someone was labeled "turning the world upside down" it was a grave accusation; revolutionaries. Mainly, because these 'rebels' advocated for another King. They advocated for Change. They advocated a message that the Romans and certain Jews did not want to hear.  The Gospel challenged every rule that the Romans had put in place. People don't like to be told when they are wrong. They get defensive and a lot of the time reject what we have to say. 

Paul's message was clear "Jesus, the Messiah has come! Don't wait any longer." He used prophecy to go with his messages. He shared his own testimony of when he was changed. Some accepted the message. Some were persuaded. But then, of course, there are those who refuse to believe and they brought a mob to start a riot and in the dead of night, the Christians of the town sent Paul and Silas away for their safety. They were only there for three weeks but a church had been born in the process.  Paul wrote to the Thessalonica church a few months later. He told them how precious they were to him because of how they welcomed him into their homes. But mostly because they welcomed the message of Jesus Christ into their hearts and had become strong examples of Christianity to their neighboring cities and for the world to see. Wow!

"There are people who watch things happen, and there are people who make things happen, and there are people who don't know what's happening. 

These people made things happen and it shook the world. They mattered. 

I want to matter. I want to make an impact on this world. I want to turn it upside down and inside out. The Bible is full of people that turned the world upside down by sharing The Message of Jesus Christ. 

Jesus, Himself, turned the world upside down and right side up for those who have chosen to believe. 

Let's shake this world up today. Share The Gospel!!!


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