Scripture For The Day  

August 31, 2022

I recently finished a book by A.W. Tozer; “Knowledge of The Holy”, written in 1920. But the message is more relevant today than it was then. He speaks of the disrespect that people have for God and how some people call themselves by the name of Christ, talk a lot about God, and even pray to God   …sometimes, but in reality, they don’t know Who God is. “The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life,” but this healing fear is today hardly found among Christian men.”

The poet Goeth, back in the early 1800s, shared how appalled he was hearing people abuse the divine name of God. “People treat it”, He said, “as if that incomprehensible and most high Being, Who is even beyond the reach of thought, were only their equal…a barren Name, to which no thought whatever is attached. If they were impressed by His Greatness, they would be dumb, and through veneration unwilling to name Him.” How even more relevant that is today as well. People do not have a healthy respect for The One Who Created everything, for The One Who breathed life into our very souls. Even Christians will toss His Name around without truly stopping and recognizing Who they are talking about.

What an awesome revival we would experience if we fully acknowledged The Holiness and Greatness of our heavenly Father, not just when we went to church, but every single day, every moment, of our lives. The Bible says that God is Holy, Holy, Holy. Not just holy, but HOLY, HOLY, HOLY! Yes, He is Love. Yes, He is Gracious. Yes, He is our Father. But HE IS HOLY! We have no respect for His house anymore and we have no respect for Him. That. Needs. To. Change.

“Who is like unto Thee, O LORD, among the gods? Who is like Thee, Glorious in Holiness, Fearful in Praises, doing wonders?” – Exodus 15:11 “There is none Holy like the LORD: for there is none beside Thee: neither is there any rock like our God” – 1 Samuel 2:2

Recognize Who He is.



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