Be Content with Jesus

Scripture For The Day 

September 29th, 2022 

"Be Content with Jesus" 

 Parked in the driveway, sitting in my car, I began to cry. Through broken tears, I shared with my husband on the phone “I feel so defeated”. I told him that if I could see the spiritual realm around me that I believe with all my heart that there would be a major battle going on between the demons and the angels, who watch over me. I was at the point of saying I’m done. Earlier that evening, I had to continually bring my focus back to The Voice of God, because the enemy was attacking me left and right. I was praying nonstop for The LORD to help me focus on Him, and Him alone. I was feeling at my weakest and it took everything within me not to just get up and run away. Waking up in the middle of the night, still down, still defeated, I said, LORD, I think it’s time to stick a fork in me. I’m not sure I want to do this people thing anymore. But True to form, at least His Form, He directs me back to His Word: Galatians 6 then on to James 5. 

Don’t grow weary- keep on keeping on. Look to your own work, you are responsible for what you do. Mind your own business, but help each other, pray for each other, and encourage each other. Share what God has done for you. Don’t give up. Do good, especially to other believers. Be patient. Never stop hoping. The LORD is coming soon. Don’t complain about each other. The LORD will help you. He is full of mercy and kindness. Be careful not to promise things you have no control over. Are you having trouble? Then pray. Are you happy? Then sing. Are you sick? Ask for prayer. Confess your faults/sins to each other and pray for each other. And help lead the lost to Jesus. Sounds easy enough. Right? But honestly, some days, are just not that easy. Suddenly, a verse came to my heart _ I can do ALL things through Christ, Who gives me strength. – Philippians 4:13. Bad things are going to happen. Angst will happen. Hurt will happen. Struggles will happen. This scripture is not promising us that everything will go our way. But this verse is a promise that All our Hope is in Jesus. With Him, we have Hope in the midst of our pain and hurt.  Paul is telling the church in Philippi and us, of course, that we can still be content regardless of what is going on around us.  Our happiness, our joy, and our contentment should rest upon Jesus. While Paul sits in a dirty, dank, dingy, prison cell He writes “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” This is not a pep talk. It’s not a motivational speech. This is encouragement that in the midst of defeat and weakness, His Grace, His Power, is more than sufficient to get us through. So, be content with Jesus. 


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