Conviction or Condemnation?

Scripture For The Day 

 September 8th, 2022

Conviction or Condemnation?  

Woke up thinking about the difference between condemnation and conviction. As Christians, we expect our hearts to get convicted. We often have our toes stepped on while listening to preaching and the teaching of God’s Word. That is conviction. It helps identify the wrong in our lives, and I can’t speak for you, but I have wrongs that have to be identified and revealed. But then there is condemnation. Condemnation has no place in a Christian’s heart. It does not encourage us to draw closer to The Lord. If anything, it drives us to give up on ourselves and sometimes on the church.  It makes us feel like we are not good enough.  As Children of God, we are under that beautiful Grace, but not perfect. We are a mess. I need that conviction in order to remind my heart to draw closer to Him.  However; I can be guilty of sin, yet not be sentenced to the judgment that I so deserve because of The Shed Blood of Jesus Christ.

Condemnation was never meant for the believer. Though our God is a loving God, He does condemn the unbeliever. Why else would He have bothered sending His Son to die on the cross for us?  One of the jobs of The Holy Spirit is to convict the world concerning sin. “And when He is come, He will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment…” John 16:8 

It hurts to have our toes stepped on. It hurts when we feel the pricking upon our hearts. But that conviction hurt is temporary because when we listen with our hearts and recognize what The Holy Spirit is telling us, then that conviction will bring us so much joy in the end. We are all works in progress.

If you are a Child of God, whether you do this or whether you do that, no one and nothing can snatch you out of the hands of Jesus. You belong to Him. Yes, heed the pricking upon your heart, in order to draw closer to The Lord. But don’t let anyone make you feel condemned. That’s just a lie from the enemy. Because Child of God; You are precious. You are loved. You are Chosen. You are Blessed coming and going. You are the head and not the tail. You are Redeemed.

While I was typing this out, I got a call from someone who was asking for encouragement. They were feeling down and unloved. They were struggling. It hurt my heart. But I couldn’t help but think about the timing of My God. He is So Good, All the time. Listen up, Child of God: remind yourself today how loved you are and how precious you are. He is holding you in His hands. Climb up onto that comfy lap of His today and let His Love warm your hurting heart. Unbeliever, please don’t waste another moment. Heed that tugging on your heart and accept His wonderful Grace before it’s everlasting too late. Discover His Loving Conviction and rest in the Comfort of His Loving Arms.

“And grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.” – Ephesians 4  I pray that you  “May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; and to know the Love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.” Ephesians 3 


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