Keep On Doing Good

Scripture For The Day 

 September 14, 2022

Keep On Doing Good 

2 Samuel 10 shows us once again how doing what The Lord puts on your heart and exhibiting His Character can still be misconstrued and rejected. Nahash the king of the Ammonites died. His son, Hanun, had to step up and assume the throne. He just lost his father but the people needed a king. David had sympathy for Hanun, although the Ammonites were essentially their enemy. He still had compassion and empathy for Hanun. David knew one of the characteristics of The Lord was compassion. So, he chose to look past their differences and show some kindness as Hanun’s father once showed kindness to him. David sent some servants/ officers to comfort Hanun in whatever way they could.

But the Ammonite leaders discouraged Hanun from accepting this gift. They told Hanun that David was trying to spy on them, in order to make war. So Hanun took David’s men and shaved off one-half of their beards. He cut off their clothes at the hips and then sent them away. David’s men were ashamed.

You have to understand the culture at that time. They were publicly humiliated. David told them to stay at Jericho until their beards grew back and then they could come home. Albeit we wouldn’t understand the fuss, but to the Hebrews, that type of humiliation was a fate worse than death. In death, they would have been honored. But they felt they had lost their dignity. They felt violated. That’s why it’s so important to study further about the time and the culture to fully understand the scripture. To us, this might have not been a big deal. But to them it was horrific. David was very protective of his people. Just like God is protective over us. David did not only shield his men from further humiliation, he devised a plan of retaliation. God will also fight our battles. David was out to defend his men.

So, keep this in your heart today. Even in the face of humiliation, you can still keep smiling, you can still keep on doing good. Don’t expect to have your good returned for good. Just keep on doing what The Lord puts on your heart to do. He’s in control and will fight your battles for you. You don't have to worry over the battle itself, He will handle it. 

“Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for My sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.” – Matthew 5:11-12


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