Woe is Me, if I Don't

Scripture For The Day 

 September 5, 2022

Woe is Me, If I don't 

I can’t believe it’s been 11 years since The LORD first impressed upon my heart to begin writing devotionals. It was then that I began a journey of digging deeper into The Word of God, listening to His Voice, and then sharing what He placed on my heart. I am humbled that He would even choose to use such a mess as me. It’s beyond my comprehension. I’ve learned a lot along the way.  Pray first, seek His Help, Trust His timing and seek His face in everything.  I’ve learned that you can’t just read His Word and think you know all the answers. You have to dig deeper. You have to study the original language. You have to study the culture and customs of the time in order to better understand. Learn who the people were. And even then, there still remain mysteries. Sadly, sometimes people get upset.  Sometimes the messages are tougher than I care for them to be.  I don’t like to upset people. But then my husband asks me “Are you trying to please man or The LORD?”.  The truth of that question pricks at my heart and encourages me to trust The LORD whether it’s popular or not. I’m not out to pick on any particular church or person because we all struggle. But I trust in God’s perfect timing. I’ve also learned that it’s not my job to convince anyone of what The LORD has placed on my heart. It’s only my job to share it. Therefore, I will not argue about it or even get mad if you disagree. But I will not have theological debates on social media, it’s neither the time nor the place. Disagreements fuel fire and anger and the public enjoys being entertained by division. I won’t be a party to it. I learned the hard way on that score some years ago. I will stand up for what I believe is right because that is my right and my duty as a Christian. But I will not argue over it.

Every child of God is Called by Him. First and foremost, we are called to salvation. Next, we are called to service. Not on our own merits. Not to earn salvation.  But through Prayer and the gifts, He supplies we are called to share His Gospel. That is our purpose. That is our calling. We are not to push others aside. We are the body of Christ and it takes all of us.  We need to let others have a chance. We are not led by The LORD to do everything.  Surrender your own will for The Will of God. Paul understood how strong that tug from the LORD can be;” For though I preach the gospel, I have nothing to glory of: for necessity is laid upon me; yea woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel.” – 1 Corinthians 6:16 Woe unto me, if I don’t speak His Truth. It literally makes me physically sick when I ignore that tugging on my heart. It’s not about me, It’s not even about you.  it’s about The Glory of God.

 ALL of His Word is inspired by Him.  You either believe it or you don’t. Your choice. But pick a lane and quit swerving into the traffic. There’s No-in-betweens.

PS Thank you to all of you who have encouraged me with these devotionals through the years. You Bless my heart. Now let's get to work -  share His Word. 



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