The Timer is Counting Down

Scripture For The Day 

 September 13th, 2022

 "The Timer is Counting Down" 

In 1 John 1, he tells us about the Word that gives life- the One who existed before the world began. He is the Same, yesterday, today, and forever. Jesus existed before time and will continue to exist after time. He has always been. God spoke our world into existence and the clock began but in a sense, it’s more of a timer. I often use a timer for my grandson in order for him to complete different tasks. He works better when he is able to count down how much time he has left. We can’t see the timer of life but every single one of us has a timer, slowly counting down. We don’t know how much time we have left. But I feel such an urgency lately and a tremendous amount of fatigue in feeling like I have wasted so much time.

 John tells us that because He was a firsthand witness that He shares with us so that we can be full of the joy of Jesus Christ. He tells us that God is light and in Him, there is no darkness. So, if we say that we live our lives with God but we continue to live in darkness then we are liars, who don’t follow The Absolute Truth. We are to live in the light. Not in the world. Period~ We are to bask in His Son and have true fellowship with each other, based on the blood of Jesus Christ. Not in arrogance. Not in self-righteousness. We are ALL sinners, some of us have chosen to be saved by The Grace of God through the Blood of Jesus Christ. But if we become arrogant and say we never sin then we are saying that God is a liar and we aren’t accepting The Truth. Being a Child of God doesn’t mean we are perfect. We will mess up.  But being a Child of God, also means that we are to strive to be more like Jesus. We are to Trust in His Word and in His Teachings. We are to teach the younger generations, not only love, but we are to teach The Truth, and sometimes The Truth is difficult to swallow. If we don’t teach them The Truth, the enemy will come up behind them and whisper nothing but lies in their ears and we will answer to God for failing to teach The Truth.

God is Love. Jesus is Love and I am so Thankful for That Gracious, Loving, Savior of mine. But if we don’t teach consequences for our actions, for our sins, then we are not teaching The Truth. We have been given His Word. He never changes. He is the Same, yesterday, today, and forever. So, teach the Truth. Teach with Love. Teach with Grace. And share your story. The timer is counting down!!!


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