Get Prepared

Scripture For The Day  

October 6, 2022

"Get Prepared"  

Esther Ahn Kim, a young Korean music teacher, knew it was just a matter of time before she would be imprisoned for her strong faith in Jesus Christ and refusal to bow down to the ‘sun’ god. It was during WWII and the Japanese had taken over Korea and were insisting that everyone bow down to their ‘god’. But to Esther that was not an option, even though she knew that refusal would mean, imprisonment, torture, and maybe even death. So, in preparation for the rough times ahead, she trained herself physically and spiritually. She would find and eat food that was already decaying because she knew that is what they would be fed. She memorized a hundred chapters in the Bible along with various hymns. Because she knew that they wouldn’t let her keep her Bible. Esther prepared. As she was led to the shrine,  Esther stayed true to God and refused to bow down to the enemy’s false god. She was imprisoned for six years, from 1939 – 1945. And in that time, she led other prisoners to Jesus Christ and even her jailers witnessed a difference in this faithful Christian, and the way they treated the prisoners began to change.

Esther prepared. 

All throughout the Bible, we are told to be prepared. We will never understand the entire Bible, this side of heaven. But we are still called to study His Word, nonetheless. The Book of Revelation tells us from the third verse that there are Great Blessings that belong to the person who reads the words of that message and hears the message and wait… DOES what is written in it, for the time is at hand (There is not much time left) Though we will not understand it all, we will be Blessed for drawing closer to The LORD by His Word. It’s not up to us to understand all the mysteries of His Word. It’s not meant for us to try and figure out when Jesus will be coming back. It’s not up to us to analyze and examine when we think time will come to end. That’s not our business. But you know what is our business? Being prepared at all times. Expect Him to return at any given moment. That is what He expects us to do. Get ready and be ready. And share Jesus before it’s everlasting too late for those we meet up with.

Get prepared

 Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.” – Revelation 1:3 


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