I Dare Ya To Knock It Off

Scripture For The Day 

October 25th, 2022 

"I Dare Ya To Knock It Off"  

Do you remember that old battery commercial with Robert Conrad? He had a battery on his shoulder and said “I dare ya to knock it off” Though this wasn’t a chip on his shoulder per se. I was thinking this morning of how some people walk around with an invisible chip on their shoulders just daring people to try and knock it off. I have a lot of patience but the one thing I struggle with patience over is a bully. We’ve been talking off and on about bullies in our Sunday School class lately. I’ve told the students that we don’t need to hang around people that are bullies. We are to treat all people with love and kindness. We need to pray for them but God doesn’t expect us to put ourselves in harm’s way.  That person usually behaves as if they are right about everything. They walk around with a chip on their shoulder with a bit of a cowboy-like swagger as if saying to everyone… ‘I dare ya, I dare ya, to just say something.  Someone with a chip on their shoulder is easily angered, quick to jump, and behaves as if they are right about everything. But you know, God’s desire is that we get past ourselves and recognize that this life is not about us. We don’t know it all. We don’t even know a little bit of it all. We are here to shine The Light of Jesus. We are here to share His Word. It’s all about Him.

Proverbs 3 teaches wisdom and instruction on how to behave and not to behave.

Forget not The Word of God/ His Law. Hide His Word in our hearts and walk in His Ways. Have mercy, but speak The Truth in Love. Trust in The LORD with ALL your heart and don’t rely on your own thinking. Acknowledge Him in everything and everywhere, but especially in your heart. Never assume you know it all. Be NOT wise in your own eyes. Fear/Respect The LORD and depart/flee from all evil. Honor Him and take your whippings when needed. Take your correction and change your heart. Wisdom and Understanding of The LORD are better than any materialistic thing you can think of. Wisdom is more precious than rubies. Wisdom brings peace and happiness. Don’t be afraid. Trust in Him. Do good to others. Love each other. Don’t argue and fuss with each other. Live peacefully with each other. Don’t envy the bullies and be like them. Proverbs 3:31 tells us “Envy thou not the oppressor, and choose none of his ways”. Don’t be like the bullies. Don’t even try. Pray for them and love them but don’t be tempted to try and knock that chip off their shoulder. It probably won’t end well. 

That’s between them and The LORD>  Just make sure you aren't being a bully yourself. 


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