Standing in The Gap

Scripture For The Day  

October 17, 2022

 Standing in The Gap 

Last week I hurt my back. Yesterday, I was doing much better and went to church. But by the time church was over I began hurting quite a bit again. When I reached down to pick up a backpack bag I must have winced in pain, because one of my very good friends asked if it was heavy. In my stubbornness, I began to say it wasn’t too heavy. But before I could finish my sentence, I felt the heaviness of the bag lighten and looked down to see that she had grabbed hold of it and was helping me carry it as we walked. We both softly giggled and immediately these words came to my mind; ‘Standing in The Gap’. I didn’t share with her what I was thinking. But from the church patio to my car, I began thinking this is what we are meant to do for each other. When we see our brothers/sisters in Christ struggling we are to help each other carry those burdens. No judgment. No ridicule. But lovingly standing in the gap for each other.   

In Ezekiel 22, The LORD sent Ezekiel to the people with a tough message. The people had begun disrespecting The LORD as well as treating each other horribly. The LORD had just about had enough of it. He says in verse 30 “And I sought for a man among the people to change their ways. To make up the hedge and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: But no one came to help” No one came to help. there were holes in the rock walls from battles and decay. But no one would stand in that gap and protect the city.  That hurts my heart to read. We are called to stand in the gap. Help each other. Pray for each other. Sincerely, love, and care for each other. Even when we disagree. Thank The LORD we don’t need a priest to intercede for us as the Israelites once did. But we are still called to listen to The Voice of God and be there to help each other, to help Him, and to stand in the gap. 

A song by Babbie Mason is on my heart this morning: Standing in the Gap. “I heard that you were hurting that you were suffering pain but I didn’t dare just turn my head and look the other way. So, when your heart is aching, my heart is aching too, let me help you bear your burden, it’s the least that I can do. I’ll be standing in the gap for you. Just remember someone somewhere is praying for you. Calling out your name. Praying for your strength. I’ll be standing in the gap for you.”

 I am praying for you this morning, whoever you are.  I will stand in the gap for you.  


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