Thank You For Your Patience

Scripture For The Day  

October 21, 2022

"Thank You For Your Patience"  

The day I think that I am fully and perfectly right where I need to be and who I need to be is the day I might as well hang it up or at least it better be the day I’ve gone home to be with The LORD. I can’t speak for you but as for me, I am a work in progress.  I constantly have to remind myself of that and I’m thankful that every day is a new day to begin again. Every day is a new opportunity to Shine The Light of Jesus in this ever-increasing dark world.  We are not promised to be here tomorrow or even the next second.  Paul states with confidence in Philippians 1:6 that though salvation removes the penalty of sin, being a Christian is a lifelong process and God’s not through with us yet. To be Christlike is a daily struggle and daily focus to put ourselves on the back burner and strive to be more like Him each and every single day. This is sanctification and it doesn’t end until we go home to be with The LORD.  

“Being confident of this very thing, that He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.” – Philippians 1:6

I recently read that Ruth Bell Graham, who was the wife of Billy Graham, requested that an epitaph be placed on her tombstone when she died. She died in 2007 and they honored her request. The words??? “end of construction-thank you for your patience.” Nothing about any of her many accomplishments was listed. It’s a simple and rough-looking gravestone that lists her birth date and death date and those few words.  Those words spoke to her heart when she had seen them on a road sign in the middle of a construction zone.  With all the accolades that could have been listed for Ms. Ruth, she chose to remind every single person that read her gravestone that we are not perfect. We struggle. We hurt. But as Christians, we are to strive to be more like Him every single day. We are works in progress until we go home.  We are such a funny, not so funny, sort of people. We can be a bit irritating. Even Christians. People are frustrating to say the least. But you know what? God loves them as much as He loves you and they need prayer just like you do. But boy it can hurt when those who should know better treat others with disrespect and hatefulness and man, unforgiveness, that one blows me away.

Remind your heart today that you’re not the only one under construction but your brother and sister in Christ are in the midst of the same construction zone as you.  

So, thank you for your patience. This work is not completed yet. 


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