When I Kept Silent...

  Scripture For The Day 

October 13th, 2022 

"When I Kept Silent..." 

A year has gone by since David seduced, impregnated, and killed to get what he wanted. A year of unrepentance. The baby is already born by now. David seemed to be getting on with his life after literally taking another man’s life.  But then he wrote Psalm 32. He was literally sick with sin. Sin has a way of doing that. Sin is dirty and rotten to the core. While David wrote this, he began to understand what a blessing forgiveness is. David continued to Love and Pray to The LORD because he belonged to Him. But he refused to acknowledge his sin in this mess that he had made. “When I kept silence, my bones waxed ole through my roaring all day long. For day and night Thy Hand was heavy upon me: my moisture is turned into the drought of summer. Selah.” He is telling us that He prayed to The LORD but refused to talk about his sins. He became weaker and weaker and more miserable as time went by. He became as dry as a hot summer in a drought. But God didn’t give up on David. He continued to convict his heart. He continued to pursue him. Then one day, David decided with the convicting love of The LORD to fess up. He stopped hiding his guilt and told The LORD all about his sins. Did The LORD not know about it? Of course, He did. But just like a parent wants a child to be upfront and truthful with them, so it is, with our Heavenly Father. If we truly want a relationship with Him, we need to be honest with not only ourselves but with Him. and guess what? The LORD heard and forgave Him of his sins. Now here’s the tough part. There were still consequences for that sin. The LORD will wash away our sin, but with sin always comes consequences and we will study about that heartbreaking consequence on another day.

 In the meantime, let’s focus on how The LORD tells us in verse 8 that He will teach us and guide us in the way we should go. He tells us to not be stupid or stubborn but to trust in Him and receive mercy. We can rejoice and be happy in Him. “Be glad in the LORD, and rejoice, ye righteous: and shout for joy all ye that are upright in heart.” – Psalm 32:11 

Let’s be honest, we all struggle, every single day. But every day is a new day to live for Him.  Let’s not sweep our sins under the rug for them to fester and make us sick. But let’s seek His Loving Face and Seek His Will in our lives. And again I say Rejoice.  Don't stay silent. 


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