A Revolution and A Revelation

Scripture For The Day 

November 10, 2022

"A Revolution and A Revelation"  

Before The Holy Spirit came down and resided within the souls of the saved, the disciples were still working for Jesus. They were still preaching The Word. They were still speaking for Jesus. But it wasn’t until that moment of the indwelling of The Holy Spirit that they finally became who The Father knew they could be. That is why Jesus had to go home. He knew that we would need The Holy Spirit within us to thrive. The disciples were a band of misfits that messed up over and over again. Just like us. But when The Holy Spirit got a hold of them, they became spiritual spitfires for The LORD which led to a revolution and a revelation of Jesus Christ for the world to see. Now, the Holy Spirit indwells in every single believer of Jesus Christ. But have we grown deaf and numb to His tugging upon our hearts? I believe so. I believe we have allowed the world to creep into our homes, into our schools, and yes, even into our churches. I believe we are allowing the enemy to distract us from The Truth by speaking lies so well that we are thinking it’s of The Lord. People, we have got to get back to The Truth, To The Word, and away from all the distractions that may not be bad in themselves, but keep us from what we really need to be doing. With Christmas quickly coming up, are you focusing on Who Christmas is about? Are you teaching your children The Truth or are you getting sucked into the worldly, materialistic, vortex of Xmas? We need to teach our children more about Jesus. We need to teach them that Christmas is not about the presents but it’s about The Presence of Jesus Christ. Now, don’t get mad at me. I will decorate. I will have a few, and I mean a few presents for my grandchildren. But I will not go overboard. That sends out the wrong message. In an already self-motivated and materialistic world, we need to be vigilant in teaching children about Jesus and about helping those that are actually in need.  Most of our children are not lacking in one single thing except maybe Jesus. Let’s teach our children more about Him and quit wasting so much time. We got a revolution and a revelation of Jesus Christ to be involved in.  Test the spirits to make sure that you are listening to The Truth and not to the lies of the enemy, disguised as something good. 

“If ye love me, keep my commandments. And I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter, that He may abide with you for ever…” – John 14:15-18 

“Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God:…” – 1 John 4 


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