Abide In Him

Scripture For The Day 

November 16, 2022

"Abide in Him"  

Love, what’s Love got to do with it??? I wish I could say it has everything to do with it.  But that is not what this old world wants. It is not what satan wants. He desires for us to live a life of selfish desires. But Love should be at the root of every decision we make. We are commanded to abide in The Love of The Father.  It is a command and a promise all at the same time. In John 15:9-10 His Word emphasizes to abide in His Love. The Greek word for abide is meno which means to stay in place.  But to understand what this Love means we need to recognize that this reference to Love comes from the Greek word- Agape.  There is no other love higher than Agape. No love on this earth compares to Agape. That type of Love can only come from above.  Jesus shares with us in verse 9 that just as The Father Loves (Agapes) us, so does Jesus Agape us. In that, we can put our trust, our security, and our faith, and then we are to CONTINUE in their Agape. To fully understand what that means we need to continue reading. Jesus tells us in verse 10 that we are to keep His commandments if we truly desire to live a life that bears witness to His Agape Love. Abide, Remain, Continue in His Agape. Then and only then will we have True Joy. Jesus commands us in verse 12 to Love each other just as He Loves us. Are we to ridicule each other? Are we to condemn each other? Are we to berate each other? Are we to be hateful to those who don’t believe in God? God Forbid. But what we are to do is Love each other. When I become frustrated with others and yes, even with myself, I begin to speak with The LORD and ask Him to help me to see others as well as myself through His eyes and to Love with His Agape Love. It's not about me. It’s not about you. It’s All about Jesus. Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. Jesus is a friend like no other. He laid down His life for you and for me. We are not going to agree on everything. And that’s okay. It is also okay to stand up for what you believe is right as long as you do it with patience, kindness, gentleness, and LOVE. Jesus calls us His friends and we are commanded to live, to abide in Him and in His Love.  When we remain in His Love, we can’t help but produce fruit through obedience and the desire to live for Him. That obedience will bring Peace that passes all understanding. Blessings upon Blessings upon Blessings. He’s The Goodness of our lives. So,, Let us sincerely love each other, and let us recognize that Love should have everything to do with it.

Abide in Him! 

John 15:9-14 


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