Lift Us Up

Scripture For The Day 

November 2, 2022 

"Lift Us Up!"  

*Lord, lift me up, and let me stand by faith on Canaan’s tableland; a higher plane than I have found, Lord, plant my feet on higher ground* The Book of Ezekiel mentions The Holy Spirit several times. Three times, he specifically mentions that The Spirit lifted him up. But I want to focus on Ezekiel 2:2 “And the spirit entered into me when He spake unto me and set me upon my feet, that I heard Him that spake unto me.” Ezekiel had previously been given an Awesome Vision from God. Which resulted in him falling down on his face in fear, respect, and adoration as Ezekiel worshipped God. But then God speaks. He tells Ezekiel to stand up, for He was getting ready to give him a message. However; Ezekiel couldn’t stand on his own. He must have been emotionally and physically drained from the visions that God had just sent him. It reminds me of being in a worship service in which you have no doubt experienced the full presence of God’s Holy Spirit. When you get up to go home, you are totally exhausted. Ezekiel was exhausted after His Godly experience.  So, the Spirit of God entered into him and lifted him up on his feet. It was The Holy Spirit that gave Ezekiel the strength to stand. He was in a weakened state. He needed the strength of God and God gave Ezekiel the power to stand and listen to His Word.

 Lately, I feel like I can’t do anything on my own. It’s only with The Strength of God I am able to stand. My spirit is so very tired. I'm Blessed and have nothing to complain about. But I am struggling in my spirit. So, I asked The LORD to lift me up and plant my feet on higher ground. I need His help to get past my exhaustion and weakness.  I don’t want to get caught up in the junk. I don’t want to get frustrated. I don’t want the enemy to be using what is meant for God as a tool to distract believers from what we should be doing. We don’t have time for all this junk.  So, I ask Him to once again, lift me up and help me to stand. Plant my feet on higher ground than where they are right now. 

Help us, Dear God, to Hear Your Word. Lift Us Up!!!


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