Scoot Closer to The Driver

 Scripture For The Day 

November 11th, 2022 

"Scoot Closer to The Driver" 

A question I was asked in my personal bible study this morning was “What do you need from The Lord right now?”. I understand the point the author was trying to make. But when I read it, I immediately thought, The Lord has already won The Victory. He has paid it all. He has Forgiven me. He has Redeemed me. He Loves me. The Holy Spirit resides within me. The better question would be “What would The Lord like from Me, right now?” The answer? More of my attention. More of my heart. More of my trust in Him. More of my focus. More of my Praise. More of my time,

Now, that being said, I’m so Thankful that I can go to Him every day and seek Him. He wants me to bring my concerns to Him. He wants me to desire more of Him. He understands my tears. He Blesses me each and every day. Yes, I have The Holy Spirit but He can pour even more Blessings down upon me than I could ever imagine when I draw closer to Him, He draws closer to me. He’s still in the driver’s seat, but sometimes I get distracted by the scenery that we are passing and I scoot away from him to get closer to the passenger window and my focus is not on Him as much as it should be.  But when I pull myself closer to His side, when I grab a hold of His hand,  I can feel more of His Spirit encouraging my heart in this dark dark world and we look at each other and smile.  

John 16 are the words of Jesus as He shares with His crew that He has to leave in order for them to know more about Him because The Holy Spirit will come and live inside of them. 

“But now I go my way to Him that sent me;… I tell you the truth; it is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send HIM unto you.  When He comes, He will show the world of sin, and how to be right with God and about judgment… The Spirit of Truth will come and guide you into all Truth: for He shall not speak of Himself; but whatsoever He shall hear, that shall He speak: and He will show you things to come. He. Shall. Glorify. Me.“ 

We need to become so desperate for a close relationship with The LORD that we aren’t distracted by the things we see out the window. We need to grab a hold of His hand and never let go. We need to listen to the guidance of The Holy Spirit that resides in every believer. We need to stop being distracted by the world and keep our eyes focused on Him. and let The Holy Spirit, use us to Glorify Him. 

Scoot Closer to The Driver! 


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