Blessed Are The Meek

  Scripture For the Day 

January 20, 2023


“Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.”- Matthew 5:5 

So far we have studied – Great Blessings belong to those who know they are spiritually in need and humble themselves. Great Blessings belong to those who are sad and grieve over their sin and repent for The Holy Spirit will comfort them. Today we study being meek.

Psalm 37:11 tells us the same thing “But the meek shall inherit the earth; and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace.” 

We can have JOY by being meek. Again, this is spiritual prosperity, a spiritual point of view. Not about earthly happiness. The Greek word that meek is translated refers to mildness, gentleness of the spirit, in other words again humility. Fruit of the Spirit at its finest. This meekness is not about just being humble towards others but towards God. It’s about getting out of the way and letting Him guide us. It’s about having the ability and the right to do something but keeping our mouths shut and bodies still for the benefit of someone else. Yes, we should stand up for The Truth. Always, we should stand up for The Truth. But sometimes we are called to keep still and quiet. That’s when we need to have that open conversation with The LORD to discern between the times when we need to speak up or when we need to shut up.

Paul begged the Ephesians as well as all believers in Ephesians 4 to live the way that God’s people should live because He chose us to be His. ALWAYS be humble and gentle. Be patient and accept each other with love. We are joined together with peace through the Spirit. Do all you can to continue you as you are, letting peace hold you together.

Why? Because there is ONE Body, and ONE Spirit, and God chose us to have that ONE Hope.

There is ONE LORD, ONE Faith, ONE Baptism.

Jesus Christ was the ultimate model of meekness. That’s why we are called to be Christlike.

We will never be Christ but we are called to strive to be more like Him each and every single day.

Seeking power and those who are control freaks will struggle over being meek and will not bring about blessedness. But meekness will.

Blessed are the meek!!


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