Extra Baggage

Scripture For The Day 

January 11th, 2023 

"Extra Baggage" 

A message brought by my own preacherman Sunday Night keeps staying on my heart: “Extra Baggage” Not extra baggage as in luggage or fat. But baggage as in discouragement, worry, loneliness, depression, dissatisfaction, confusion, temptation, anger, fear, condemnation, feeling unwanted, and not quite good enough. NOISE!! It feels like the world is turned up so loud that it’s difficult to hear That Still Small Voice of The LORD. The enemy is keeping us busy. The enemy is keeping us distracted. The enemy is whispering to our hearts deception in the disguise of something good. The enemy is keeping us bogged down with worry and depression and our weak flesh is giving in to all of it by keeping us from what we truly need to be doing. NOISE!!! We need to get back to His Word. How much darkness does it take to dispel light? A small, weak, teeny, tiny light will still shine in a room full of darkness. Darkness can not and will never cover up The LIGHT. We are to Be That Light, however weak it may be at any given time.  My heart is weighing heavy with concerns and worries that I have no control over. There is a foreboding on my heart as I watch things unfold right before my eyes that feels like it’s leading down a slippery slope into a rabbit hole that will be difficult to climb out of. and I can't help but be concerned.  I am crying in the wilderness like John but it feels like no one is listening. What’s happening isn’t necessarily evil at the moment, but we are allowing distractions of what and Who we need to be focusing on keep us from truly hearing His Voice. He will not lead us to do anything against His Word even if it's not something that is truly bad.  Wait on The LORD. I don’t know where He is leading at the moment. All I know is that I need to wait on Him. Trusting in His Guidance I will walk and not faint, even though I am so exhausted from the struggles. With God All things are possible and we are to keep our hearts and minds focused on The Things that are of Him. His Word says that those who have accepted Jesus into their hearts, are Called and we are Saints. It’s time to turn down The Noise and Listen to His Sweet Voice that says  “You are the head and not the tail” “You are up and not down” “You are a child of the most high” “You are Wonderfully made”” You are an heir and joint heir with JESUS Christ”  “You are Blessed coming and going” “God Loves You and You ARE somebody” “You have been Redeemed and COVERED BY THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF” I AM WHO GOD SAYS I AM and I am turning down the noise today.  

“Wait on The LORD: be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say ON THE LORD” – Psalm 27:14 

"But they that wait upon The LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." - Isaiah 40:31 


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