"It's All Mine! Mine, Mine, Mine"

Scripture For The Day 

 January 12, 2023

"Mine, Mine, Mine"  

“Mine, mine, mine”- I know it won’t be long until I hear those words from our youngest grandson. It always reminds me of Daffy Duck claiming possession. Children learn quickly to stake out their own territories. Yet, they also have no qualms with taking something that belongs to someone else and then, again, becoming territorial over that item that doesn’t even belong to them. “Mine, mine, mine” Grownups can be like that as well. Quick to take over and Quick to claim authority when no authority has been given. It can be frustrating, to say the least. Especially when others encourage their behavior. They push others aside as they proudly boast of all the things they do claiming the Name of The Lord. Mine, Mine, Mine. Our baby grandson is already testing boundaries to see what he can get away with. Everything will eventually become ‘mine’ until he learns that everything is not about him and does NOT belong to him. It will be a difficult lesson and a growing process.  A lesson that all of us need to learn. We are all struggling with one thing or another and the last thing we need is for others to assume authority where no authority has been given. We need a little more compassion. We need a little more Grace. Through the years, the main lesson I have learned is that it all belongs to JESUS> We have no authority. Yes, we are to be in control of our actions and words as well as take care of the temple that houses The Holy Spirit- our bodies and though we fail, we can seek His help along the way. We are never to have the attitude “It’s my way, or the highway” We are not God. Somewhere along the line, we have lost Respect for God, His Word, and His House.  To put it simply, if it doesn’t filter through the Word of God, trust me it’s not from Him. We need to work together not against each other. It should never be about tickling the ears and blowing hot air around the room for the fun of it. That will only lead the vulnerable astray and turn others away. The enemy is all for disrupting, distracting, and distressing and there are too many territories being staked out where no authority has been given or at least wasn’t given by God.  All the time we should be about JESUS. While walking this earth, He showed a lot of love to a messed-up world, but at the same time, He was always and forever about the Father’s Business. It all went back to The Word. It all went back to Him. Let us not stake out territories where no ownership is found. It all belongs to Him. Let us first and foremost filter what we do and what we say through His Word. It if doesn’t line up, let’s toss it aside. No more crossing boundaries we have no business crossing. It’s not about you. It’s definitely not about me.  The LORD will not lead you to do something that doesn’t line up with His Word. Stop using The Name of The Lord in vain.  Do not condemn others but pray for those who are struggling. Do not climb up on the high horse without looking in the mirror first. Pray for lost souls to be saved. Pray for the saved to be encouraged and not condemned.  There’s too much junk piling up in the world. Let’s stop it from overflowing into the Family of God before it’s everlasting too late. The Authority belongs to Him and to Him alone. What lesson are we teaching with our behavior? Have you looked in the mirror today?

“But Jesus said unto them, “My Father never stops working, and so I work too.” (He spoke to those who persecuted Him, The Son of God, for breaking the Sabbath laws that faulty men claimed authority over. The Father did all of this so that people will Respect His Son


John 5:16-23 


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