Wash All Of Me, LORD!

Scripture For The Day 

January 13th, 2023 

"Wash All of Me, LORD" 

 If anyone that walked upon this earth had a right to be arrogant it was Jesus. But He chose to be humble. He chose to be kind. He chose to love. But at the same time, He stood up for The Truth, never backing down, even though He knew it would make some people angry. He had a job to do. He was about His Father’s Business. In John 13:1-5 we read that Jesus knew His time on earth was coming to an end. He loved the people then. He loves the people now and He will love the people tomorrow. But when He willingly sacrificed Himself, He showed His Love the most on that horrific day. The Father had given Jesus power over everything. Just another scripture to show that Jesus was and is The Son of God. So one evening while Jesus and His crew were eating, He stood up and took off His robe. He got a towel and wrapped it around His waist. He poured water into a bowl and began to wash their feet. He finished up by drying them with the towel that was wrapped around His waist. He showed them what it meant to serve others. He showed them Love with Humility and Grace. No arrogance. Though everything belongs to Him and All the Authority has been given to Him by The Father. Still, no arrogance, just humility Grace, and Love. This scene always reminds me of a precious night on a mission trip to Honduras when the veteran missionaries walked out and began to wash the feet of the newbies. We didn’t know this was going to happen. I felt so humbled, so ashamed, and unworthy. But yet, I felt so much love as they washed my feet and spoke encouraging words over me. I’ve never experienced anything like it before or since. I can only imagine how the disciples must have felt to have The Son of God wash their feet. I can understand Peter’s hesitation. I can understand his excitement.  Thank You, Lord, for Your Mercy and Your Grace. Thank You, Lord, for your gentle ways and kindness while Speaking The Truth over my heart, whether I want to hear it or not. But most of all, Lord,  Thank You, for Your Sacrifice and for Loving the wretch that I am. 

Not only my feet, Lord but wash all of me. 


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