Don't Scrunch Up Your Face in Agony

Scripture For The Day 

 February 24, 2023

 "Don't Scrunch Up Your Face in Agony" 

Jesus teaches about fasting. Again, Jesus mentions the word hypocrite. As we continue with His Sermon we are in Matthew 6:16-18. When you fast, don’t make yourselves like the hypocrites that look so sad and forlorn. They scrunch their faces up in agony for the world to see that they are suffering because of their fasting. Look at them! Aren’t they spiritual? Not. Again, Jesus tells us the truth of the matter is, that is all the reward they will get. Why are we getting warnings about our behavior in this Sermon? Remember this sermon was not directed to unbelievers but to His followers. Jesus is teaching us and leading us to draw closer to Him. It’s not about losing salvation or being the best of the best. It’s about a relationship. It’s about a job that we have been given. The incentive? Rewards. You can be saved and remain a babe in Christ all your life. That’s your choice. The thief on the cross that turned his life over to Jesus went with him that day to paradise. He didn’t have to wait. He wasn’t punished because he didn’t do this or that. He just doesn’t get the rewards that Jesus is telling us about in His Sermon. So, He continues, when you fast, wash your face and make yourself look nice. That way, no one will be able to know you are fasting, except God The Father, who is always with us in private. He can and will and does see everything we do in secret. He is The One that will reward us. But what is fasting? Fasting was designed to humble us and draw us closer to Him. You can even fast from other things besides food. It’s not meant to be a form of penance or to gain more love from God. But it’s a tool a Christian can use to draw closer to God by focusing on Him during fasting. Praying and seeking Him with a humble heart and trusting in His Will. It is a personal and private choice that needs to be done correctly and for the right reason while focusing on God.

Nobody else’s business but yours and The Father’s. 


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