Salt of The Earth

  Scripture For The Day 

February 3, 2023

 Salt of The Earth

“Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? It is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.” – Matthew 5:13

 A Child of God is the salt of the earth. One thing about the messages in the Bible, they are geared toward the customs and cultures of the time. But they also transcend time so that we can relate to them as well. If salt loses its saltiness then what is it good for? Not much that’s for sure. It is meant to season and bring taste to an otherwise bland meal. It also preserves and helps to keep the rotting from setting in. According to Jesus, if the salt loses its saltiness then all it's good for is to be thrown out and stomped on.

 Salt at that time was used quite a bit in preserving food as well as enhancing food. It was also used as a type of currency. Back then salt was precious. Sometimes the Roman soldiers were paid in salt. Hence the origin of the word ‘salary’- taken from the Latin word for salt- “sal”.

Jesus phrased His followers as being “the salt of the earth’ meaning that they were worthy and virtuous—precious; valuable.  We are precious to Him. We are meant to live for Him. God created each of us for a purpose. We are called to be a peculiar people that bring Him Glory and share The Message of Jesus Christ. We are called to be salty. We are called to keep the rotting of this world from settling into our surroundings. This world is decaying quickly and the stench is beginning to smell. Let’s not fall into the stench but let's keep our saltiness. You are precious. 


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