Speak Jesus

  Scripture For The Day 

February 8, 2023

 Speak Jesus 

Jesus’ Sermon continues and today we will study anger. This is a tough one that’s for sure. And it’s a message for all of us, Christians and unbelievers alike.  Matthew 5:21-25  

Jesus begins this part of the sermon with “You have all heard from a long time ago that you are not to kill/murder anyone.  You will be judged on that action. But I’m here telling you that it goes even deeper than that. DO NOT BE ANGRY WITH ANYONE without a cause” Hello out there? Did y’all hear that? If you are angry with anyone, you will be judged. (now, wait for it… are you ready?) And if you insult someone, or call them Raca- which is Aramaic for a derogatory term. Translated it means worthless or fool. If you call anyone derogatory names, you WILL be judged by the High court, by God.  You may have every good reason to be angry with someone but Jesus is comparing insulting people with murdering people. Some people insult and ridicule others as if it’s part of their language. That’s heartbreaking to me and so very wrong.

Jesus says that anyone who does these things are in danger of hellfire. Of course, we know that the believer will not go to hell. But they will have consequences for their actions. He goes on with what if you are offering your gift at the altar and you remember someone has something against you? You are to leave that gift right then and there and first go and make peace with that person. Then you can come and offer your gift… Get your heart right. 

You can’t always make peace with people. But we are to at least try to make peace. Swallow your pride and go to them, even if you don’t know why they are upset, to begin with. Now that doesn’t mean that you can’t stand up for yourself. You have every right to stand up for yourself and sometimes it’s tough because others may not think you have that right and you may have to be tough about it. But always do it with Love and forgiveness, even when things don’t go your way. Jesus continues: If anyone wants to take you to court, make friends with them quickly. Try to do that before it gets to the court. He tells us that if we don’t take care of things before it goes too far we might find ourselves being arrested and thrown into jail. In other words, if broken relationships are left unhealed then things can and will get out of hand.

We all need to take this message to heart and remember that life is not about us. We are not all that and a bag of chips. There is more to life than me, myself, and I. Think first before speaking. Be careful with your words. 

Speak Life, Speak Love, Speak Jesus. 


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