Look In The Mirror

Scripture For The Day 

 March 1, 2023

 Look in the Mirror 

Today we continue to study Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. 

Do not criticize others. – Matthew 7:1-6

The quickest way for my temper to jump is when I come in contact with a bully. It has become way too easy for someone to hide behind a computer or phone screen and give harsh and one-sided opinions and insults. It's become too easy to bully people.  Remember this sermon was geared toward the followers of Jesus. We are held to a higher standard and we will be held accountable for our behavior. The scripture we study today is one of the most misunderstood and gets misused quite often in order to teach tolerance of sin. That is so not the case. Jesus does not tolerate sin. But He loves the sinner.  Jesus tells us in chapter 7:1 to not judge others and then God will not judge us. If you do then He will judge you the same way. We’ve all heard this scripture. But let’s dig deeper. Study shows us that this is not some blanket rule. There's more to it, of course. First, we must deal with our own issues. And yes, you do have issues that need to be dealt with, we all do. Clean yourself up first. Acknowledge your own issues then, and only then can you help others. and we are told to hold each other accountable - with love. Jesus is telling us again to not be hypocrites. We all have problems and we all struggle. Pride has no business being in the heart of a Christian. Pride will get in the way of seeing The Truth of the matter every single time. Repeatedly we are told to have a humble heart. It's pride that makes us think we know better than everyone else. I cringe every time I read or hear someone insulting others.  It’s pride that criticizes and judges harshly. It’s pride that insults and name calls. We are not to speak evil of each other. Period. Having a heart that recognizes that we, that I, am not all that and a bag of chips keeps us humble and a humble heart will refrain from pride and hypocrisy and self-righteousness.

Look at yourself first. Take the beam out of your own eye then you will be able to see clearly to be able to help get the dust, the mote, out of your friend’s eye. Did you read that? Straighten yourself up first and then you can help your friend. Help is the key word, not condemn or criticize. Jesus finishes out this portion with an analogy. “Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.” – Matthew 7:6 Jesus uses dogs and pigs to represent those who reject Him and ridicule The Gospel. They need The Lord just like we do but there are those that will refuse Him. A dog will return to its vomit and a pig that is washed will return to wallowing in the mud. In other words, there is a time when we are to dust off our sandals and walk away from those who continue to reject The Gospel. They hear it, they ridicule it, and they reject it. We are not to insult back or condemn or even judge, just walk away. Share The Gospel with Love and Urgency and Humility. The rest is up to them. Pigs don’t appreciate pearls and dogs get bored and return to their vomit. People will reject Christ. People will reject The Truth.  Some Christians will choose to stay babes in Christ and that’s their choice.  We can’t force the issue.  But we can examine our own hearts and control our own behavior. Love God and Love People.  Lift each other up in prayer with love and compassion. But first,  Look in the Mirror. 


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