Nourish Our Souls

  Scripture For The Day 

March 22, 2023

 "Nourish Our Souls" 

When my husband and I were first together, we were as close to poverty without being in the clutch of poverty. We struggled. We also didn’t want to be a burden, so we wouldn’t ask for help. We tried to get jobs and for a few months, we were without money. We ate very little. It hurts our daughter when we share this story but to us, it was a blessing and we grew stronger together through it.  This was at a time before my husband had been saved. But I continued to pray and Trust The Lord to get us through it. A few months earlier was Christmas and Tom had given me a gigantic, thick candy cane stick. It was huge. Through the scarcity of jobs and the lack of money, we ran out of food. Eventually, we became so hungry that Tom would take a knife and shave pieces off of the stick for us to eat. It was a good diet to lose weight, the problem was at that time we couldn’t even afford to lose weight. Eventually, my parents recognized what was happening and brought in sacks of groceries for us. Thank You, Lord. Tom found work. Thank You, Lord. And that was the lowest we have ever been, financially, Thank you, Lord. Though we have had struggles through the years, we were never unwillingly in starvation as we were back then. But we were rich in other things. We were rich in Love. I was rich in my Love for Tom but richer in my Love for Jesus. I had gotten off the path of where I needed to be. To me, it was a consequence to sin. Jesus knows our hearts. He knows what we are thinking. He sees our hurt and pain. Jesus tells John to write the church of Smyrna “I know your tribulation and poverty, yet you are RICH.”- Revelation 2:9 Smyrna was one of two churches that received letters without being admonished. What a blessing! Can we same the same? What do you want to be rich in? Do you consider wealth to be a financial status or status quo? Or do you recognize as Jesus does the wealth in spiritually walking close to The Lord? Just because we may want something doesn’t mean we need it. The same goes for our own children. They don’t always need what they want. But they should always be able to Trust us to give them what they need. We are getting too caught up in the junk of this world. Outside the church and inside the church. We are getting fat and lazy due to getting what we want so much of the time. Lord, don’t give me what I want but give me what I need. Nourish our souls today, Lord, with Your Word. 


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