The Helpmeet

Scripture For The Day  

March 29, 2023

 The Helpmeet 

The Church at Thyratira was getting reprimanded for a woman named Jezebel. It wasn’t the fact that she was a woman or that she was a prophetess. The Bible shares God appointed women who were prophets and leaders and teachers all throughout His Word.  But this particular woman was not called to be a prophet, she called herself... And trust me on this, just because someone says they are called to do this or that, does not mean that they truly are, whether it be a woman or a man.  But some people like to use this scripture in Revelation 2:20 to downgrade women who are truly called by God to do the tough jobs. The New Testament records Anna in Luke 2:36-37 as a woman being called to be a prophetess. She served God with everything she had. Just to name one.  

All of us struggle. But many women, even within the church,  struggle with low self-esteem.  They are listening to the lies of satan and to the misinterpretations of man. They question their worth from God or in God at all. It is so wrong and it breaks my heart. God loves us. There is neither Jew, nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female for you are ALL one in Christ.” Galatians 3:28. There is no preferential treatment. And God says in the last days…”And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophecy” – Acts 2:17-18 

“And in the next day we that were with Paul’s company departed and came unto Caesarea;… entered the house of Philip the evangelist.. who had four daughters and all had the gift of prophecy.” – Acts 21:8-9

Lydia was a powerful Christian woman in Thyatira. So, let's recognize that this church was not being reprimanded for the works of a woman. They were being reprimanded because this woman was not led by God. She wasn’t called by God. She was a control freak. She was bossy. So, this is not a gender problem because we have men who have those same distasteful traits. God calls women into leadership roles all throughout His Word and I believe He is still calling today. But let’s not get uppity, as a woman, we were not the first made and that is actually a blessing. Our role is meant to be a supporting role. We were created to be helpmeets. Man was created to watch over us and protect us. Of course, that’s not always the case. But it is what God set in place. This is biblical. Even when women are called to leadership roles. Frankly, if the church is not where it needs to be the buck stops with the men. If the family unit is not where it should be, the buck stops with the man. Now while all that is going on, we, women, need to be blameless in those bad situations. We are not to be instruments of division and corruption.  We need to rise above the junk and follow Jesus. Lately, my heart is staying concerned about our children growing up in this ever-increasing dark world. It weighs so heavily on my heart all the time. But then I also have a heavy burden for our young ladies, our young mommas, and even our women of older years. We are all struggling with something and above all, we need to recognize just how precious we are to The LORD. I believe that recognizing, above all, our worth in Him will help us to rise above the negativity and condemnation, self-made or man/woman made. 

So, LORD Willing we are going to study this further.

“The LORD God said “it is not good that the man should be alone; I will make an help meet for him.” Genesis 2:18 


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