Let's Teach His Word

Scripture For The Day 

 April 26, 2023

Let's Teach His Word 

Today we are studying Eunice. But Eunice is just half of the story, we need to study about Lois as well. I think of these two Christian ladies quite often. First when I had my own child and then Lois became even more special to me when my grandchildren came along. My own grandmother was at the forefront of teaching me The Word of God and I desire to continue that legacy even more and pray that my grandsons will grow strong in The Lord. This mother-and-daughter Christian team made Timothy the godly man that he grew up to be. They were living Christian examples for their friends and family. And Paul was well aware of that fact. In a letter Paul wrote to Timothy, he acknowledges the godly teaching that Timothy received from his mother and grandmother and is thankful for them for laying the groundwork for Timothy’s faith. 2 Timothy 1:5 “When I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in thee, which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois, and thy mother Eunice; and I am persuaded that in thee also.” Paul was reminded of what true faith really is. The kind of faith that Timothy was taught first belonged to his grandmother Lois and then to his mother Eunice. And Timothy had that same faith in God. But what about his father? He is never mentioned by name. The only thing we know for sure is that Timothy’s father was a Greek. But apparently, he wasn't pivotal in teaching Timothy about God. So, Paul tells Timothy, Remember that Faith that you were taught by your mother and grandmother. Remember that gift that God gave you. No matter what comes. God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. Timothy was raised by his mother and grandmother and through them he saw  true faith at work. They spoke scriptures over him from the time of his birth, maybe even before. They prayed continually with him and over him.  Their faith nurtured Timothy and generations to come far beyond where they lived and these two ladies helped to change the world because of their faith and persistence in teaching The Word of God. This morning I am reminded once again of this urgency on my heart to teach The Word to not only my grandchildren but to the children that are in my care at any given time. Our influence can go a long way, either good or bad. And what we do and how we do it can impact lives for generations to come. Not for our glory- God Forbid- never for our glory but for The Glory of God and for His Kingdom.              Let's Teach His Word.  


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