Power Struggle

  Scripture For The Day 

April 28, 2023

"Power Struggle" 

Poor Eve. She has been blamed for the fall of man for thousands of years. When the truth of the matter is, it was going to happen eventually. It could have been you. It could have been me. The Bible doesn’t tell us how long Adam and Eve lived in the garden before succumbing to the temptation of disobedience and listening to the lies of the enemy. Who knows? They were provided everything in this utopia. No worries. No deadlines. No sicknesses. 

God had recognized that animals alone were not going to be suitable companions for Adam. So, He created Eve to be Adam’s counterpart, his helpmeet, his companion, his lover, and his friend.  But sin entered in and because of disobedience, women have two specific curses brought upon them. 1. Painful childbirths, stress, and otherwise. 2. A power struggle between men and women, specifically husband and wife. And throughout the centuries women have struggled with this. And men have confused this scripture for dominance over women.  But understand this, I don’t answer to just any man. I answer to my man. And I answer to God. 

“…and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.” – Genesis 3:16. It seems like a wife desiring her husband would be a good thing, right? We need to study this deeper context and translation. This question, in Hebrew, does not contain a verb. So, it is translated with a future prediction to be “your desire WILL BE toward your husband”  In other words, there will be power struggles within the marriage with the woman wanting to take control of her husband.. “you will desire to control your husband, but he will rule over you.”. This is contrary to what God had initially planned for husbands and wives. Adam and Eve were to live harmoniously together, as companions, and best friends. It was to be a mutually interdependent relationship. But sin entered in and thus the battle began. Remember this is not a biblical command or what God intends for the marriage relationship. This is a cause and effect of sin. This is the curse because of their disobedience. This conflict is the result. We can read further in the NT about the loving relationships between husband and wife that God wants us to be Blessed with. But Man and Woman step in and decide they know better and the consequences for their disobedience and sin occur.

 From the very beginning of His Creation, God intended one man and one woman, husband and wife, to be in a loving mutually respected relationship. This can still happen when God is the focus on the marriage and we can see all throughout His Word a symbolic picture of a loving marriage with Jesus Christ and His Bride. And we can strive to Love like Him. 


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