A Faith Filled Couple

Scripture For The Day 

 May 29, 2023

"A Faith-Filled Power Couple"

Priscilla is always linked with her husband Aquila. They were a faith-filled power couple that exhibits what a godly marriage is meant to be. They worked together making tents for their income. They worshipped together. They served The Lord together. They risked their lives together in order to rescue missionaries that were in danger. They were partners through and through, in The Love of God and for each other.  We first meet up with Priscilla/or Prisca in Acts 18. She and her husband Aquila had recently moved to Corinth from Italy because the Roman Emperor Claudius had given an order for all Jews to leave Rome. Paul went to visit Aquila and Priscilla. He stayed with them and worked with them, making tents. The three became great friends during this time. Later they ended up sailing to Ephesus. While there they met an apostle named Apollos. He was an outstanding speaker and charming. Soon, people were following him everywhere he went.  But for whatever reason he was off base with his teaching of The Gospel. He taught about Jesus but failed to teach The Whole Gospel. He hadn't quite understood the significance of the death, burial, and resurrection, and the indwelling of The Holy Spirit. He was only preaching the baptism of John in relation to Jesus. So, Priscilla and Aquila took him aside and explained in detail what he was missing.  They were very well-versed in the doctrine of Jesus Christ and were led to share that Truth. They demonstrated The Love of God by being honest about his doctrinal error with him. All in Love, but All in Truth. While in Ephesus, Priscilla and Aquila established a church in their home. This was common at this time. Many Christians at that time, held church in their own homes because Christianity was not an accepted religion. Because of her unwavering faith and her love for Jesus, Priscilla is an example for us all to, above all, be Faithful to The Truth of God’s Word.  The loving relationship between this husband and wife touches my heart so much.  Love The Lord our God and be True to Him first and foremost; then love and faithfulness for each other will follow. Teach The Truth in All things. There is only One Gospel. Be faithful in His Truth and faithful in His Word. 


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