A Little Girl, With Big Faith

Scripture For The Day  

May 18, 2023

"A Little Girl, With Big Faith" 

There is no age requirement when it comes to serving The Lord and today, we study about a young girl who trusted The Lord and was brave enough to show that confidence. The Bible doesn’t tell us how young she was. It just says a little maid or a little girl. In 2 Kings 5, we read about Naaman, who was the captain of the army of the king of Syria. Naaman was very important to his king. But he was a leper. On one raid Naaman’s soldiers took captive a little girl that became the servant of Naaman’s wife. This little girl’s faith in God shone His Light in an otherwise dismal situation and to me, it’s a beautiful story of Trusting in God, no matter what your circumstances are. 

Soon, after her captivity, this little girl learned quickly of her master’s leprosy. She goes to her mistress and tells her that she wishes that the master would meet up with a prophet of God that would heal him of the leprosy. No ifs or maybes but will and would. Of course, the wife goes to her husband to tell him what the little girl said. Because before that moment, there was no hope. And when we are struggling, we will just about try anything. Now, Naaman couldn’t just take off and go. He had to ask permission from His king first. The king of Syria said for Naaman to go but that he, the king would send a letter to the King of Israel of what they were doing, along with silver, gold, and clothes for a bribery. When the king of Israel read the letter, he became very upset. He was frightened because the King of Syria had already been attacking them and capturing his people for slaves. He tears his clothes and cries out “Who am I? Am I God that I have power over life and death? Why is this king sending me a sick man to heal? This must be a trick and he’s picking another fight.” But Elisha heard what was going on and had a message sent to his king to tell the king of Syria to send Naaman to him. That way, the people in that country would know that there is a prophet of God in Israel.

 Long story short, Naaman was healed. Not in the process he thought it should be. But he was healed and vowed to never worship another god but only The One True God. There’s more to this story that involves another servant’s betrayal and deception. But today we recognize a little girl that stayed true to Her God and was brave enough to share her faith. And because of that an enemy turned to The Lord. And only God knows how many other people she touched or how many people turned to The Lord because Naaman had his life changed by being healed not only of this filthy disease called leprosy but of the filthy disease called sin. She is an example to us to share The Gospel with everyone, including those who might be considered our enemies. Because with God, nothing is impossible. 


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