Follow Jesus

Scripture For The Day 

 May 11, 2023

"Follow Jesus" 

We first meet Joanna in Luke 8:1-3. Jesus was traveling through cities and small towns sharing The Good News of His Father’s Kingdom. The disciples were with Him. There were also certain women that followed Him and served Him everywhere He went whom Jesus had healed of various illnesses and evil spirits. Among them were Mary Magdalene, Susanna, and a lady named Joanna, just to name a few of them. We don’t know what illness Joanna was healed from. The mention of ‘evil spirits’ and ‘infirmities’ can mean just about anything.  But the fact of the matter is, she was touched by Jesus. She was healed by Her Savior. And one thing is for sure, after studying this we can appreciate the fact that she loved Jesus very much and she did everything she could to help Him. Once again a woman was vitally important in the spreading of The Gospel of Jesus Christ.

 Joanna was the wife of Chuza,, who was the manager of Herod’s property. He would have had a substantial income. So, she was a woman of influence and means. She helped to provide food and supplies for Jesus and His mission team.  She traveled with them. Which was never a comfortable journey. But that was how devoted she was to Jesus. She was there at His crucifixion. She was there at His burial. And she was of the ladies' group that discovered His body gone and was with the group of ladies that went to tell the disciples everything they had seen and heard at the tomb. Once again, Jesus shook the foundation of what the status quo believed society should be. He welcomed women into His inner circle. Joanna was a part of His ‘tribe’. When she chose to follow Jesus, she left behind the comfy, cozy, wealthy lifestyle that she had grown accustomed to, in order to serve and support His ministry.  At this point in time, this would have been outrageous and scandalous to the powers that be. Joanna can serve as an example to all of us that nothing is more important than Loving and Serving Jesus and to quit worrying about what the status quo has to say about it. Just Love The Lord with ALL your heart and ALL your soul and ALL your mind. 

Follow JESUS! 


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