He Never Left Her Side

Scripture For The Day  

May 22, 2023

"He Never Left Her Side" 

Most of us have studied about Ruth and her love for her mother-in-law. But what about Naomi?  She struggled with a broken heart to the point that she was ready to give up.  A famine sent her family to a foreign land in search of work and food. Not long after their move, Naomi’s husband died. Soon, her two sons soon married Moabite women, which was against their law. They lived in Moab for ten years and then her sons died, leaving her and her two daughters-in-law without any means of support. Ruth was broken beyond broken. She wanted to go home and die. She pleaded with her daughters-in-law to go home to their families. She loved on them, she thanked them for their kindness and they all broke down in tears. Orpah agreed to go but Ruth begged Naomi not to make her leave. ‘where you go, I go and where you stay I stay, your people will be my people, and your God, my God.” Naomi reluctantly agreed but the grief and brokenness inside of her had no peace or joy in the decision whatsoever.

 She was so broken that she wanted her name changed to Mara which means for God has dealt very bitterly towards me. She felt like God had abandoned her but God never left her side. Nothing anyone could say to her would bring her comfort. There are no words to heal a broken heart. Though people meant well, the words were empty. Nothing would bring her family back. Nothing would make her feel whole once again. Nothing could make sense of it all. But God NEVER left her side.  He worked through her broken heart. He continued to hold her in His arms. And He used a foreign woman to break through Naomi’s sorrow and show her how truly loved she was. And God used Naomi to encourage Ruth in drawing close to Boaz. God brought Ruth and Boaz together and their lineage leads to Jesus Christ. 

Though I can’t imagine her broken heart over losing her family ever went away, by The Grace of God, Naomi learned to live again through Him and through those who loved and cared for her.  Soon, after Ruth and Boaz married, they had a baby boy. The women there in Naomi’s homeland looked to Naomi and said “Praise The LORD who gave you this child. May he become famous in Israel. He will make you alive again and care for you in your old age…” Ruth 4:14. Naomi took the boy, held him in her arms, and cared for him. God NEVER left her side. We may question why things happen the way they do and there’s nothing wrong with those questions. But Thank The Lord, with Jesus in our hearts we can be secure in knowing that in all circumstances God will NEVER leave our side. And through Him, those who are brokenhearted can learn to live again. And by Him, their strength will be renewed.  

Father, bandage the wounds that break these broken hearts and help them to live again.    “He heals their broken hearts and bandages their wounds” – Psalm 147 


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