Which Did Prophesy

Scripture For The Day  

May 24, 2023

"Which Did Prophesy"  

When we speak about prophesying, many people tend to conjure up a picture of an old, crippled man, on top of a mountain telling the future. But prophesying in the Bible gives us a better picture. The True Prophets of God were about teaching and proclaiming The Truth of what God had spoken to them usually while in difficult times.  It was The hard Truth that needed to be told, regardless if anyone wanted to hear it or not. A true prophet of God may or may not prophesy of the future but they will always prophesy His Truth.  And this was not a job just for the men. Since we’ve been studying women in the Bible, we have already had several instances of women who were Prophets of God. In Acts 21:8-9 we read of a group of sisters who were Prophets; “And the next day we that were of Paul’s company departed, and came unto Caesarea: and we entered into the house of Philip the evangelist, which was one of the seven; ( this refers to the seven helpers that were chosen back in Acts 6:1-7. They were chosen to do the jobs that needed to be done in order to allow the Apostles to focus on teaching and preaching. They had been so busy that the widows were being neglected among other needed areas of ministry) and abode with him. And the same man (Philip) had four daughters, virgins, which did prophesy.”

This verse doesn’t give us the names of these ladies. But who they were was recorded in His Word for everyone to read about. We can infer that they Loved The Lord. He gave them the gift of prophecy. So, we know they served The Lord. I couldn’t help but wonder, at first, why Luke mentioned these ladies at all. Seems unnecessary to the story. But Luke’s writings had a way of showing us more than what we first thought. Each word pulls us in. Back in Acts 2:17, Peter preached about the prophecy of Joel that there would be a pouring out of the gift of prophecy to women as well as to men. Refer to Joel 2:28.  

 And here we have Luke letting the readers understand that Joel’s prophecy was already coming to pass. Why was it necessary to mention that they were virgins? Maybe it was to point out that when God calls a woman to do a certain job, she doesn’t necessarily have to be married to get it done. She just needs to have a willing heart to serve The Lord in Spirit and in Truth. 


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