Who's Got The Vittles?

Scripture For The Day  

May 23, 2023

"Who's Got The Vittles?" 

We all respond differently to various circumstances. So, it only makes sense that we would respond differently to the Touch of Jesus. In the Bible, when Jesus healed people, they also reacted differently. Some would run and jump. Some would fall at His feet. Some would cry. Some would laugh. Some would shout His praises for all to hear. Some even followed Him everywhere He went from that day forward. Though I try to be a tough nut, those closest to me, know that I have a tender heart and will cry at the drop of a hat. I feel things deeper than I care to. It frustrates me at times. But this is who I am. And the bottom line is that we generally react to something based on what we are most comfortable with. And one reaction doesn’t mean that it’s better than another. God has made us all so different and that’s the beauty of His Creation. But one thing we all have in common is we ALL NEED JESUS!  

 Let’s talk about Peter’s mother-in-law. Matthew, Mark, and Luke recorded this event. But Mark is the only one that tells us that Jesus and His followers had just left the synagogue. It was time for lunch. Bring on the vittles.  Jesus and His crew headed to Simon and Andrew’s house. But once they got there, they were told that Simon’s mother-in-law was sick in bed with a fever. So, Jesus in all His Compassion and Grace went to her and took her by the hand and healed her. He touched her and she was IMMEDIATELY healed. Luke says that Jesus rebuked the fever and it left her.  And what did she do? Did she fall down crying? Did she run out into the streets to tell others? Did she roll over and get some well-needed rest? Nothing wrong with those responses. But she responded with what she was used to doing. She got up and served them. That was her love language. There are so many ways we can serve Jesus. What one person thinks is the best way to serve Him, may not be the best way for you. Most importantly does it line up with The Word of God? It doesn’t matter how great everything thinks it might be, if it doesn’t line up with His Word then it’s all for nothing.  We need to quit listening to what others are saying and focus on The Voice of Truth. It’s All about Jesus.  Now… Who’s got the vittles?  

Scripture ref Matthew 8:14-15; Mark 1:29-31; Luke 4:38-39 


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