You Have Someone To Live For

Scripture For The Day 

 May 25, 2023

"You Have Someone To Live For" 

We don’t know her name. But we do know she was married to one of Eli’s sons; Phinehas. Being Eli’s sons, they were in the same line as their dad; priests over the Tabernacle. But they were out of control. They had no respect for God’s Laws or His Ways. They wanted what they wanted and they took it. Meat for sacrifice? they took it. The women who served God in the Tabernacle? they used them for their own pleasures. So, judgment was getting ready to be handed down against Eli’s sons, as well as to the Israel Nation for allowing all of this to go on. One day, Hophni and Phinehas took the Ark of the Covenant out to battle against the Philistines; which was customary. But their hearts were not where they needed to be. They were figuratively slapping the face of God every single time they entered the Tabernacle as they privately and publicly sinned against Him with no remorse in their hearts. How often does that happen today? The Israelites lost their battle that day and the Ark was captured. And Hophni and Phinehas died. When Eli heard the news, he fell backward from his seat, broke his neck, and also died the very same day. When the pregnant wife of Phinehas heard the news, she went into premature labor and died while giving birth. But she had time enough to name the child and she named him Ichabod; which meant ‘the Glory has departed.’ 

What I want us to notice amid this tragedy that could have been averted, is that the first thing that Phinehas’ wife mentioned while declaring the name of the child was the loss of The Ark of God. “And about the time of her death, the women that stood by her said unto her, Fear not’ for thou hast born a son. But she answered not, neither did she regard it And she named the child Ichabod, saying, The glory is departed from Israel: because the ark of God was taken, and because of her father-in-law and her husband. And she said, (again) The glory is departed from Israel: for the ark of God is taken.” – 1 Samuel 4:20-22

 In her dying breath, this woman felt the loss of the Ark of the Tabernacle, even more so than the loss of her husband. She felt the loss for her Nation. The capture of the Ark was the end of everything she loved. But what she didn’t know is that it also became a turning point in the Nation of Israel as it ushered in the age of Samuel, who took over for Eli and David would become king down the line which led to some of Israel’s greatest years of glory. But isn’t life just like that? We can be in the midst of tragedy and not see any light at the end of the tunnel. But God sees the bigger picture. He knows what glory is waiting for us just around the corner. He uses what was meant for bad and brings beauty from the ashes for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. This morning you may be feeling like all your hopes and dreams have been crushed. But Child of God, hang in there, seek His Face, seek His Truth in His Word, and Trust in Him. Don’t despair. Turn the pain and sorrow over to Him and grow in His Truth and Love. Fear Not! You have someone to live for- Your God!!! 


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