He Will Never Be Torn Down

Scripture For The Day  

June 13, 2023

"He Will Never Be Torn Down"

My husband has always taught our daughter that she can do anything that she sets her mind to. He’s told her to never let anyone tell her that because she is a girl that she can’t do any given task. While growing up, he gave her several tasks that would be considered by some to be ‘boy’ tasks.  She’s worked on vehicles, including semi-trucks. She’s done plumbing and various types of home improvement jobs. And because of that training, I believe she has learned that being a girl is no excuse to sit back and let others do what she can do herself. He has also taught her that there is no such thing as a ’ woman’s job. If a job needs to be done, he gets it done, including washing dishes, cooking meals, doing laundry…etc. We are a team and that’s how it should be. According to God’s Word, males, and females are to complement each other, not tear each other down.

Back in the day, the Babylonians invaded Judah and destroyed their wall of protection. Years later, God put on Nehemiah’s heart to rebuild that wall. Nehemiah, with the permission of the king, got to work. He assigned people to do specific jobs and right there in the midst were Shallum and his daughters. The fact that God’s Word mentions these ladies is important. We don’t know what they did to help their father. What we do know is that it was important enough for God to place their contribution within His Word and be included in the list of the repair crew.  Shallums daughters helped their father repair a section of this important wall of defense over their nation.

Walls are important, but sometimes misleading. I used to build up walls to protect myself against the ugliness of the world. I am still tempted at times to build those walls back up. People can be so hurtful. But that’s not the type of wall that God wants. Just like a loving parent, He sets up boundaries for His children to protect us against our own sinful selves.  Together we can accomplish so much. It’s not a man’s job and it’s not a woman’s. It’s all of us together, male, female, white, brown, black, wealthy, or poor.  Ignore the junk and rise above it. Stay within His walls of protection. He has placed them there for a reason.  We are all created by God and we need to stand up for what is right and serve Him in ALL things with whatever He calls us to do. But stay within the security of His Loving Wall of protection, of Who He is! He will never be torn down!


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