Jesus Is The Light

Scripture For The Day 

June 16, 2023

Jesus Is The Light 

I’m going to switch gears from our study on the women in the Bible to our VBS theme. Next week is our VBS and unless The Lord changes my heart on it, I usually do a devotional based on our lessons. Today we are going to talk about the theme which is Shining The Light of Jesus. And oh how we need to be shining His Light!

In John 3, Jesus speaks to Nicodemus, a Pharisee and member of the Sanhedrin. He comes secretly to speak to Jesus. He heard about all His miracles. He listened to His teaching. His heart was being tugged. But he struggled to get past the legalistic teaching that he was invested in. Jesus encourages Nicodemus with His Word. This entire conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus is meant for all of us and John 3: 19-21 is speaking to my heart today.

The Light – JESUS has come into the world. But they did not want The Light. Many today do not want The Light. They pretend that their darkness is light. They choose to do evil and expect everyone else to agree with them. According to His Word, everyone who does evil hates The Light. They will not come into The Light because they don’t want to be seen doing evil. But now no one seems to hide in the darkness anymore. We are told to accept the evil that is running rampant as just another way to live. But anyone, according to verse 21, anyone who follows the TRUE WAY comes to The Light and The Light is JESUS and He will show you whatever you have done and whether it is through God.

 It’s a slippery slope. Once we begin to slowly allow evil to creep into our hearts and our homes and our churches in these small ways, the evil will continue to grow. It will become difficult to fully see The Truth because The LIGHT will not be shining through that evil. Regardless of the lies that we are being told in our society. We need to stand for The Truth. Yes, we need to have compassion and Love others but we are never to accept and condone sin, of any nature. Whether it be lies, hatefulness, thievery, murder, substance abuse, or yes, even alternate sexual lifestyles and identities. It doesn’t matter how much you dress it up or fluff it up or celebrate it, It is not of God and we will be held accountable for not standing up for The Truth. We are to Shine The Light of Jesus with Love and Compassion but with The Truth. Not anger. Not frustration. Not hatefulness. But WITH LOVE and WITH TRUTH! Shining His Light through this ever-increasing dark world, to draw others to Him before it’s everlasting too late.

Shine The Light of JESUS!!! He is That LIGHT! 


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