Will The Real Mother Stand Up?

 June 15, 2023

Will The Real Mother Stand Up?

This morning I began studying the two women who were before Solomon. It was a tragic story. Both women, who were prostitutes, came to King Solomon for his wisdom. They lived in the same house and were both pregnant at the same time. They ended up giving birth to their babies within a few days of each other. Sadly, one of the babies died in the night. So, the mother of that child traded out babies while the other mother was still asleep. In the light of the morning when they were both awake, it became apparent what had happened. The other mother claimed it was all a lie: “No! The dead baby is yours, and the one still alive is mine!”. And they began to argue in front of the king.

Solomon quickly stopped the argument by telling his servant to get a sword and cut the baby in two, giving each woman a piece of the baby. The second woman said “sure, go ahead, that way neither of us can have him.” but the other woman begged him to stop and said to go ahead and give the other woman the baby. Solomon, in all his God given wisdom, declared that she was the real mother because she loved the baby enough to keep him safe from harm.

As I read this, I can’t help but think, REAL mother? God’s Word is clear and His Wisdom is perfect. But not all mothers are good mothers and not all fathers are good fathers. Sometimes, those who are not related by blood are the REAL parents because of the Love they have for the child. This mother was declared the mother thereof. Meaning the child rightfully belonged to her. But not all mothers or fathers are concerned for the safety of their children. They put them in horrific circumstances. Or out of their own self-centeredness they neglect their child. To me the only blood thicker than water is The Blood of Jesus Christ.  Like everything in this world, it all goes back to the heart of the matter. In all fairness, I am not a rightful heir to the Kingdom of God. I wasn’t begotten by God and I am not a Jew from the original chosen generation. But because of The Shed Blood of Jesus Christ, I have been adopted into the family of God, and without a doubt,  I belong to Him. As a parent and a grandparent, we should be all about watching over our children and keeping them safe and teaching them about The Lord. That’s our job. That’s our privilege.

Will the REAL mother stand up??? 


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