> Be Alright!

Scripture For The Day  

July 5, 2023

"Be Alright" 

I woke up this morning struggling. Before I even got out of bed, I began having a conversation with my Lord. The lyrics from the Danny Gokey song ‘Be Alright’ came rushing over my soul. Okay, Lord, okay. Everything’s gonna be alright. I hear You.

There’s a part in the song in which a young man is praying to The Lord in Spanish. My grandson Hunter Jack is trying his best to learn this section. But in English, it goes something like this “Father, I confess to you with an open heart that everything is so uncertain in this desert that I am living in.  My vulnerability is exposed. I feel like my boat is so far from its port. Why does the sun no longer shine? Why are my nights so cold? Why do I feel like I'm missing something? Why does this gray road feel so long? I know You’re working even when I don’t feel it. I know You’re working even though I don’t see You.  I know I’m going to come out of this. I know I'm going to win this fight. I know that this temporary tide will cease.  I know in You I will live an extraordinary life. And although I don’t understand, it comforts me to know that.

 Todo va a estar bien (everything will be alright) Can you relate to this prayer?

In John 16; Jesus tells the disciples that life is tough but they need to understand that it’s going to get tougher. However; when He leaves, He would be sending a Comforter (The Holy Spirit). It had to be done for all of us. I’m so Thankful for The Holy Spirit that encourages me like no one else can.  Jesus encouraged the disciples and He encourages us that even though life is tough we can look to Him. In Him we have Peace and He goes on to encourage us with these words in John 16:33  “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”

We can have Peace in Jesus. The world has troubles but be brave! He has defeated the world. Everything’s gonna be alright! 


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