Be Encouraged

Scripture For The Day  

"Be Encouraged" 

July 7, 2023

Yesterday morning, I asked the doctor; “Do you think I’m getting worse?” He paused, and said “Worse? (Hesitating with his words) Not necessarily. You’re just not very stable at the moment.” I thought about that for a second and I said “Well, if my husband was here, he would say that he always knew I was unstable” lol. The doctor snickered and went on to explain his reply. But that’s typical of me, I always try to joke everything off when I am struggling. I'm not a sit-on-the-sideline kind of person. I get up and go. I get up and do. and I am struggling at the moment. I woke up this morning thinking about stability and as I was speaking with The Lord, I went straight to His Word.

The letter from James begins by introducing himself as a servant of God and Jesus Christ, his brother. He writes the letter to God’s people who are scattered all over the world…to us. We will have troubles. It’s a given. But James tells us that we need to be happy when troubles come our way because it’s in our troubles that our faith is tested. We only learn patience when we struggle. Patience is not something that is learned when everything is perfect. Our trials help us to grow closer to The Lord. If we need wisdom, ask for it. But ask in confidence. Believe. Because when we doubt, we are like the waves in the sea that are blown up and down by the wind. Thinking too many things at the same time. Unsure of what to do and unstable in our thinking. And according to James, an unstable mind will never receive anything from The Lord. Great Blessings belong to those who are tempted and remain faithful! We are given the reward of eternal life. That is our promise to those of us who Love The Lord. Our heavenly Father never changes. He is always the same. Everything good comes from God and in the midst of our troubles and struggles, His Son is Shining for us. God’s Word tells us that Jesus is our intercessor. Romans 8:34. He is at the right hand of God, interceding for us. He saves those who draw near to His Father, through Him Hebrews 7:25. Jesus prayed to The Father, and another Helper was sent to take His place when He returned to heaven. John 14:16-17. What a friend we have in Jesus. All our sins and griefs to bear! What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer!

Take your concerns to The Lord and leave them there. And don’t be discouraged. With men, it may be impossible, but with God ALL things are possible. Remember WHO you belong to and be encouraged! 


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