Just One Touch

Scripture For The Day 

 July 3, 2023

"Just One Touch!" 

Today, the lesson my grandsons and I will be studying is when Jesus brought back to life the daughter of Jairus. I find that fitting since today you and I will be studying about the woman that made her way through a crowd in order to touch the hem of Jesus’ garment.  This event took place while Jesus was on his way to Jairus’ house.

Because of her disease, she was considered untouchable. People turned their noses up at her and walked the other way. For twelve years she had been suffering from this blood issue. She had spent every bit of money she had on doctors and treatments. But nothing and no one could help. In the eyes of the society that she lived in, this bleeding issue made her unclean.  But then one day, she heard about Jesus and His miracles. She gathered enough courage and told herself if she could just get close enough to touch the hem of His garment, she believed with everything within her that she would be healed. She was desperate. She had no more money. She had no help. It all came down to this moment. She knew she was taking her life into her own hands. She knew that if the crowd realized who she was that she would be stoned to death. But she had to at least try. She was tired of being alone. She was tired of the rejection. She was tired of the pain. She wasn’t going to ask Jesus anything. She wasn’t going to stop Him from doing whatever He was doing. She wasn’t worthy… at least she wasn’t in her own eyes, forget about what the crowd thought. She believed herself unworthy.

Despite her fear, she made her way through the crowd and touched the hem of His garment and immediately she was healed. With just ONE TOUCH! She knew she was healed but kept quiet. However; Jesus also knew. He wasn’t angry. But He spoke out into the crowd; “Who touched me?” This question confused his disciples because there was a throng of people around Him. Everyone was pushing and touching Him. What in the world was He talking about? But Jesus knew that someone in the crowd needed healing. He knew that she defied all her hurt and fear and chose to seek Him for just One Touch! He wanted her to have more than just His healing on her body. She needed a Savior.  With a trembling heart and a trembling body, she knelt at His feet and told Him all her troubles. Before she was even finished, Jesus told her “Your faith has made you WHOLE!” Go in Peace.

With only One Touch, her life was changed. This event always encourages my heart and touches my spirit. She was made whole not just from healing but also with a personal relationship with the Savior and that relationship is more important than anything else on this earth. Have you been made whole? Kneel at His feet and tell Him all your troubles. Just One Touch! 


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