Shake Off Those Chains- Live Graciously

 Scripture For The Day

July 31, 2023
Shake Off Those Chains- Live Graciously
While studying the Bible this morning, I immediately had a picture of Jacob Marley dragging his long chain around the room. He explains to Scrooge that the chain is due to all the cheating and hurting others that he had caused and that Scrooge’s chain would be even longer.
One day The Lord will bind satan up for a thousand years. He will be tied down with a great chain for a thousand years and thrown into a bottomless pit. I can’t help but see a parallel between Jacob Marley and satan. I wonder if Charles Dickens had the same thought. How large will that chain be and was it made from the chains that every Christian once had before Jesus Christ set us free. That is food for thought that makes the holy bumps appear. I love the thought that the chains I once dragged around from place to place, from sin to sin, will one day be used to hold that dragon down.
Child of God, the enemy has no control over you. Don’t let him lie to you. You have been set free. Don’t try to find those chains again. Jesus took those away. I like to think He whisked them away somewhere to some supernatural factory, where angels are working nonstop linking all the chains together from souls that have been saved. Just waiting for the day to come to lock up the enemy.
Child of God, you are not in chains anymore. You have been set free.
Shake off the shadows of your past chains. Live Graciously.
Revelation 20: 1-3


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