Bless The LORD, O My Soul

Scripture For The Day 

 August 31, 2023

"Bless The LORD, O My Soul" 

We talk quite a bit about our own Blessings but did you know that God, Himself, is Blessed? That’s an obvious answer to Yes! But do we think about how Blessed HE is? He is Great and Mighty and Powerful and Loving and Merciful. He is Compassionate and so, full of Love for us.  And HE is Good, All The Time, and All The Time, HE IS GOOD! He is Goodness, in itself. Without Him, there is no such thing as Goodness. There is nothing that He can’t do for us. and like a parent, there is nothing He won’t do unless it is putting us in a place we don’t need to be. He is over the top, ABUNDANT! And HE in All His Glory and Love for us, wants to give us abundant life. 

He is a generous Father. We don’t know what’s best for us. We don’t know the purpose of certain things in our lives. But what we do not know is that whatever circumstances we are in, it can be used for The Glory of God and we can Bless Him. One of the prayers I often pray is “Lord, show me how I can Bless YOU today!” Sadly, I feel like I fail in that prayer way too often. However; I strive to be closer to Him, every day.  He desires to give us that abundant life. He desires to pour down His Blessings over us, every day. Even when we fail to acknowledge those Blessings. The Father has joy unspeakable in His heart that exudes just how Good He is and it pours over like water spilling over the top of a glass, into our lives. *Fill my cup, Lord, I lift it up, Lord. Come and quench this thirsting of my soul. Bread of Heaven, feed me till I want no more, Fill my cup, fill it up, and make me whole.*

“Bless The LORD, O my soul: And all that is within me, Bless His Holy Name.” – Psalm

How can I Bless You today, LORD? 


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