Even So, Come, Lord Jesus


Scripture For The Day 

August 7, 2023

"Even So, Come, Lord Jesus" 

We don’t know how old the Apostle John was when he passed away. We know that, unlike the other disciples, he lived to be a very old man. Obviously, God wasn’t through with Him. He had a message to get out. He had people to share Jesus with. Early church elders reported that long after John could walk, younger brethren would carry John in a chair to be gathered for worship. Reminds me of a dear Pastor friend of ours, who preached as long as he could. Riddled with cancer, preaching from a chair He still encouraged my heart so much.

One of John’s final sermons focused on love. He was the final living original Apostle. He was well respected and continued to serve The Lord until his last breath. A commentator shared that they picture John dying just like he lived- nestled close and reclining on the breast of The Savior with his weary head in Jesus’ tender arms… And in the distance could be heard a gentle thunder.” (Because Jesus called John and his brother James, the sons of thunder)

Beautiful words and a beautiful thought. There is no retirement age for a Christian. We may grow weary. We may get sick. We may be tired. But every day is a new day to begin again, drawing closer to Jesus and always sharing His Word and His Love. It’s All About JESUS!

Share His Love! 

“He which testifieth these things saith,  Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus. The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen” – Revelation 22:20-21


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